Chapter 2: Zaiayna

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She felt something collide with her face as she pulled herself out of sleep. A cold sweat covered her whole body.

“Get up!” someone yelled. “You’re going to be late! If you’re not ready in ten then you’re walking to campus! I know your car is out of commission but I’ve been trying to wake your stone body for the last hour and a half. I am not being late to class because your ass can’t be bothered to get up. Listen, I know we’re roommates but you need to take some responsibility.”

Her roommate was lecturing her again. She pushed the pillow off of her and wiped her sweaty forehead as she sat up.

“I know, Justine. I get it. You don’t have to lecture me every morning,” she said to her roommate with a sigh.

“I do when you can’t be bothered to get your butt up for class. Listen, I’m your roommate and we’re friends but frankly I’m getting tired of your coma-like sleeping habits. I can’t wake you up. I don’t know what’s wrong with you lately. You never used to be like this. You used to be such a light sleeper that even a feather gracefully falling to the floor would wake you,” her roommate replied.

“I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” she said. Her roommate was right. The deep sleeping only recently started, right when the dreams began, actually. She had no idea what was wrong with her. It was peculiar and the dreams were always of some weird place she never even thought she could dream up but somehow she did and it seemed so real.

She shook her head slowly and sighed as she got to her feet and walked to the bathroom. She turned the shower on and stepped in the cold water to clean off her cold sweat. The water rushed down her face and through her hair, forcing her to close her eyes as images from her dream reappeared at the forefront of her mind. She shivered from the feeling of familiarity as the images danced in her mind, recreating her dream.

When she finished in the shower she turned the knobs and stepped out, wrapping a towel around herself as she heard her roommate still ranting outside the bathroom door.

“I don’t know what your family would say if they knew how many classes you’ve missed already! Not to mention your eating habits. You’ve barely eaten one meal in the last three days. I mean come on! You have to have more to survive. I’m really worried about you,” Justine was saying.

She tuned her roommate out as she towel-dried her hair then threw it up in a quick twist and clipped it to her head. Her roommate often ranted when she was annoyed or worried. Justine didn’t really care if anyone was listening she just had to be talking. It was like her defense mechanism. She dealt with her emotions, problems, and even just thoughts by ranting. Most would find it annoying and impossible to talk so much but her roommate proved that it was quite possible and, yes, it was annoying.

She sighed and brushed her teeth quickly and threw on her house slippers as she left the bathroom to find clothes for the day. Her roommate was finally silent as she walked down the hallway to the kitchen and sat at the table with breakfast already made.

She dressed quickly and threw on socks and shoes, skipping breakfast once again. She threw a scarf around her neck as a shiver ran through her body from the fresh dream and grabbed her bag before she trudged down the hallway, through the kitchen, and across the living room to the front door.

“I’m ready, Justine,” she said quietly to her roommate.

“Good, we need to get going. Make sure you call and check on your car later. They need to get working on it or we’re going to take it somewhere else, make sure you mention that, okay?”

“Yes, I know,” she replied. Justine was like a mother sometimes. She over stated the obvious and often threw out commands in a motherly voice that reminded her of a mother reminding her children to do their homework after they got home from school.

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