Chapter 1

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                                                          5:58 pm - Rose’s house

       How did I manage to be late, yet again? I was supposed to be at Adela’s house at six! Good thing she only lived two blocks away. I threw a headband on and checked myself in the mirror. My outfit of choice for today was a purple sweater dress, black leggings, and black slouchy boots. Good to go, I thought to myself before running down the staircase and out the door. I threw a “goodbye” over my shoulder to my mom, just as I closed the door. As I speed-walked to Adela’s house, I realized I could see my breath in the stinging December air. I mentally scowled at myself for forgetting to wear gloves or a scarf. I made it to her house in record time; I was only five minutes late.

      “I’m sorry I’m late! I-Hey girls!” I greeted them cheerfully.

      Cassidy, Adela, Nina, and Jesse were a chorus of hellos and took turns giving me hugs. Nina, as always, towered over me. Cassidy’s messy brown curls bounced as she skipped over and crushed me in a hug. Adela smiled warmly and pulled me into a hug, and I noticed that her long, wavy, brown hair, which was usually loose, was pulled back in a high ponytail. Jesse, the oldest of us at 17, was also the shortest.

    “So, um, where are all the guys?” I asked curiously, looking around Adela’s warm basement. Ahh, warmth!

    Adela, who was fiddling with the iPod docking station replied, “Well, I told them to show up a bit later than ya’ll because I wanted us to have some girl time! Plus, I knew you were going to be late, as always.”

    I grinned sheepishly, and everybody laughed.

    An hour later, while we were laughing and playing Would You Rather, Jesse suddenly turned to me.

    Smiling mischievously, she asked, “Would you rather marry a blue-eyed, blonde-haired guy or a brown-eyed, dark-haired guy?”

    Without thinking I answered, “I'd marry the blue-eyed, blonde guy!”

    “No freakin’ way! Don’t tell me that you‘re still hung up on Aiden!”

    “Well…he’s really sweet when he wants to be, but I can’t believe that he’s now going out with the school hooker! She’s like the complete opposite of me. Whatever, I’m over it. He can go date a fish for all I care.”

    “Nice comparison,” Adela laughed.

    “If he dumped you for her, he obviously has issues hun, and you know he’s just tryin’ to get some! But by the way you described your dream guy, I don’t think you’re quite over him just yet!” Nina concluded.

    “Fine, I changed my mind. I'd marry the other guy. He'd never act like Aiden. He’ll be a gentleman and considerate. He would never dump me for a green-eyed fake blonde with an IQ lower than a peanut. We’d live happily ever after!” I finished in a dreamy voice.

    Cassidy looked like she was about to say something but the doorbell rang.

    “It’s probably the guys starting to arrive,” Adela shrugged and went to answer the door while the rest of us went to the garage.

    As soon as I skipped outside, I was hit by the numbingly cold winter air. It was absolutely frigid! I hurried into the garage, trying desperately to avoid slipping on an ice puddle, and I shut the door behind me. It wasn’t much warmer in the garage, but it was still better than being outside.

    Cassidy made her way over to me, dancing to invisible music.

    “Hey girl! OMG, did you hear that the choreographer is going to pick our partners for us? I mean, what if I get put with an ugly guy?” Cassidy made a face, and I laughed.

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