Chapter 2

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                                                         9:45 am - Rose’s Room

    The whole week had passed by in a blur, and Sunday morning I woke up with a wicked headache. My limbs ached, and I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. I cracked open my eyes just a bit and quickly shut them again as sunlight filtered through my window. I was sure I had closed the curtains last night, after I went to sleep at like two in the morning. Groggily, I got up and went to shut the curtains. The thing was, I was never much of a morning person; I was more of a night owl.
    Gosh, I hated Sundays. Wait, no I loved Sundays! We had a hate/love relationship. I loved Sundays, because I got to dress up more than usual; I hated them because Sundays led to Mondays which led to school. School led to homework and headaches. I really shouldn’t be thinking so much on Sunday mornings, my head could explode. Why am I thinking about school when I should be thinking about sleep?
    I had just rolled over when my mom burst through my room with a huge smile plastered on her face. The bright light filtered in from the hallway, making me shield my eyes with my hand.
    “Good morning!” She sang, oblivious to my dazed cluelessness.
    “Bonjour,” I mumbled, crawling under my cozy, artsy, flower-print Diane von Furstenberg bedspread and closing my eyes, drifting back to sleep.
    Suddenly, my warm blanket flew off and I was left shivering on my bed in my pink, zebra-print Victoria’s Secret sleep shorts and plain white cami. I glared at my mom.
    “Come on sleepy head! Hurry and get changed! We have to go to church today. We haven‘t been in a while.”
    “Trés bien. I’m going. Just…close the door on your way out, sil’vous plaît.”
    “You and your random French phrases,” she murmured as she walked out the door.
    I mentally stuck my tongue out at her. I jumped off my bed skillfully, and ran into my walk-in closet. Unfortunately, I got tangled with the thick, velvet curtain I used as a closet door, and I crashed to the ground. Laughing at my clumsiness, I spied some black patent-leather ankle boots that I hadn’t worn in ages. They had a heel, but hey, I’d been walking in heels since I was two. Looking for the perfect outfit, I quickly assembled together a flouncy red skirt that reached just past mid-thigh, black knit tights, and a black long-sleeved top that I didn’t remember buying. Throwing on the finishing touches, I looked in the mirror and half-smiled at myself.
    Cocking my head to the side as I critiqued myself I realized, I wasn’t that bad. I had chocolate-brown almond shaped eyes and super long eyelashes that everyone always complimented me on. My naturally-olive skin had a nice golden glow to it, even in winter. My wavy, dark-brown hair reached down to my waist and was super soft.
    “Hurry up! We are going to be late!” My impatient mother hollered from downstairs. I picked up a small, quilted, black clutch and put on my beige wool peacoat. Carefully sidestepping my doomful door/curtain, I ran out of the room and took the stairs two at a time. Late as always, I scowled at myself.
    Church was supposed to be a sacred place. Traditionally, it was a place of tranquility and peace. Trouble was, the high society of Richmond, Virginia made any simple, everyday occurence into a social soiree, and Mass at St. Agnes Catholic Church was no exception. The teens talked and mingled on the concrete steps outside the church before and after Mass. Aduls preferred to congregate under the massive oak tree situated in the beautiful garden beside the church. Today, everyone braved the cold to socialize and gossip, but something was off. Everyone was whispering amongst themselves. As I spied the cause of excitement, my breath caught as well.
    Sitting on the steps with Adela, Nina, and Cassidy were none other than Brian and Jason. Great, just great. Why did nobody tell me this? Smiling, I skipped over to my group.
    “Hey girls!” I hugged them all.
    As Brian and Jason got up to hug me, Jason said, “Well, I don’t think we classify as girls, but…do you think pink would suit me?”
    I laughed, “Nope, I have to say pink is not your color. Sorry, Jason.”
    He stuck his tongue out at me everyone laughed. Just then, the bell rang three times, signaling that Mass was to start in 2 minutes. We all hurried in, but my toe caught in a crack in the step. I almost fell backward, but a soft hand caught me around the waist.
    “Oh, um, thank you,” I mumbled, face red with embarrassment.
    “No problem. Are you ok?” a familiar husky voice answered back, causing me to shiver.
    Now I am. “I’m fine. Thanks…again.”
    I smiled at him as he held the door open for me. As we silently walked in and passed a number of pews before sitting with our with out respective families. As soon as Mass ended, Adela practically dragged me outside to the steps. She didn’t even give me a chance to ask questions. What was up?
    “What are you doing?” I asked, now suspicious.
    “The question is: what are you doing?” She answered vaguely.
    “I‘m officially confused.”
    “I mean, what is up with you and Brian?” She clarified.
    “Nothing! Why?”
    “Don’t ‘nothing’ me, girl! Y’all both walked into church blushing and bright-eyed!”
    He was blushing? I was blushing. “Nuh-uh. I swear there is nothing going on between us! I‘ve barely known him for like two days!”
    “Whatever. He is totes cute. Go get some!” She winked, making me laugh.
    “Some what?” Brian asked, sitting down next to me.
    “Some…ice cream! Yeah, we were talking about going to Graeter’s in a few minutes.” Phew, good cover!
    “Oh, well have fun!” He sounded…disappointed.
    Should I invite him? Oh goodness, I don’t know what to do in these situations! Thankfully, I have great friends like Adela, who butt in when I’m clueless.
    “You and Jason should come too!” She piped up, winking discreetly at me.
    “Uh, sure! Let me just go tell Jason and we’re good to go.”
    “Oh and we’re walking, because it’s only two blocks away!” I yelled after him.
    Adela turned to me. “Girl, if I didn’t invite him, no one would. Plus look at you, you’re almost glowing!”
    “I am not!” I protested, willing myself not to blush. 
    She seemed to have an epiphany. “You like him!”
    “No, I don’t!” I protested, again.
    “You do!”
    “I barely know him!”
    “You think he’s cute!” People started pouring out of the church.
    “Why are you so annoying?” I lowered my voice and glowered at her.
    “You didn’t deny it!”
    “Deny what?”
    “You think he’s cute!”
    “You are unbearable!” I groaned.
    “You love me.” She stuck her tongue out.
    “You know it, or else you’d be dead by now!” I punched her arm playfully.
    As everyone finally made their way over to us, I glared at her meaningfully, and she thankfully kept her mouth shut…at least, until we started walking. Either they shared Adela’s suspicions or they were incredibly intuitive, but Cassidy and Nina bombarded Brian with none-too-subtle questions.
    “So, guys, who wants to play Truth or Dare?” Nina grinned mischievously.
    Everyone nodded in agreement and she turned to Brian. “Truth or Dare?”
    “Truth,” he stated simply.
    “Do you have a girlfriend?”
    “Nope,” he answered. “My turn. Adela, truth or dare?”
    “Dare,” she replied without hesitation.
    “I dare you to…start singing a random song at the top of your lungs.”
    “Consider it done,” she said before belting out the lyrics to Love You Like A Love Song. “I-I love you like a love song baby. I-I love you like a love song baby. I-I love you like a love song baby and I keep hitting repe-pe-pe-pe-peat. I-I love you like a love song baby. I-I love you like a love song baby. I-I love you like a love song baby and I keep hitting repe-pe-pe-pe-peat.”
    Various bystanders stared curiously and Adela gave a rich laugh when she finished. With the looks she was getting, I’m pretty sure people thought we were crazy.
Bowing dramatically, Adela thanked everyone, “Thank you, thank you. You’re too kind. But now, it’s my turn. Rose, truth or dare?”
    “Um, truth,” I did not want a dare at the moment thank you very much. Oh look! I Graeter’s!
    “Fine. What do you look for in a potential boyfriend, since you don’t have one right now?”
    Déjà vu. “He’s funny and smart. I want someone who is considerate.”
    “Aren’t you a sucker for brown eyes?” Cassidy asked innocently.
    “Um, yeah. Something like that,” I mumbled as I stepped into the cool, irresistible small shop that was Graeter’s.
    I loved the way Graeter’s smelled like waffle cones and sugary sprinkles. A blonde haired employee was reaching for a pack of spoons with his back to us. I had my nose pressed up against the glass of the freezer looking at the ice cream flavors when I heard a very familiar voice say, “Welcome to Graeter’s. How may I help you?”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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