Chapter 2 - My Classes

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*Stacy's P.O.V*
Well, I was looking at my schedule:

Name:Stacy Ferguson Gender: Female Team-3bHomeroom- Teacher: Schuster- Room Number 103Period 1-:Math- Teacher:Schuster- Room Number 103Period 2-History- Teacher: Jameson- Room Number 105Period 3- Free PeriodPeriod 4- Language Arts- Teacher:Jenkins-Room Number 104 Period 5-Science- Teacher:Pincher- Room Number 102 Related Arts ClassesPeriod 6- Music- Teacher- Goldman- Room Number 98 Period 7-Computer- Teacher- McMillan Room 96Stacy-Well, I gotta find room 103. Here it is. (knocks on door)
Schuster-Come In.
Stacy-(walks up to desk)whispers-Hi i'm Stacy Ferguson. And this is my homeroom and first period class.
Schuster-Hi. I'm Mr. Schuster. Take seat beside either Kassy or Nicole. Girls raise you hand?
Kassy-Oh look. It's Klutz.( her groupies and her giggle)
Nicole-Don't worry about Kassy. She's such a b****. Don't pay her too much attention.
Samantha- Yeah. She just wants power. My place on the cheerleading squad.
Nicole-Which is Captain of the Cheerleading Squad.
Mr.Schuster-Now that class is almost over you guys can talk. You don't have any homework.
???-Hi i'm Jacob.
Stacy- Hi Jacob. I'm Stacy.
Jacob-Well, in case Samantha didn't tell you this, I'm her boyfriend.
Samantha-He's Co-Captain of the football team.
Stacy-(phone vibrates)Hold on. The text said:

Hey Stace. Howz ur 1st day of skool?

Stacy-(phone vibrates again) The text said:From:Kayaz

Hey Stacy. Iz ur day goin goodz?

Stacy- I texted back. It said:

To: Kayaz; Taylorz

Yeah it's goin far. Miss u guyz. Luv you.

*Bell Rings*
Stacy-(walking down the hallway)
Kassy-(Bumps into Stacy on purpose)Oops. Sorry....NOT.(LAUGHS)
Stacy-(yelling)Look b****! You better-
Chris-(Pulls Stacy back and whispers in her ear)She's only trying to piss you off. She's trying to get you into trouble. Cool off.
Kassy-What did you call me?
Stacy-You heard me loud and clear.
Kassy-(gets in Stacy's face)You better not forget you're in my school. You'll regret that.
Stacy-Is that a threat?
Kassy-It's a promise. If it's the last thing I do.
Stacy-Oh trust. It will be.
Jacob-D***! You got skillz standing up to Kassy like that Stacy.
Samantha-I mean d*** girl. Nobody has ever stood up to Kassy De'boure. Like you must be brave.
Stacy-I don't let anyone push me around. AT ALL.
Nicole-You better work it Stacy!
Chris-You know how popular you are now?
Stacy-I don't care about being popular.
Nicole-Well we have locker break now.What's your next class Stacy?
Samantha-With who?
Chris-Me too. Now I can annoy you for a whole hour.
Chris-I'm joking. Now let's get to class.
*Walking into the classroom*
Chris-Ms.Jameson, you got a new student.
Ms.Jameson-You must be Stacy. Have I heard about you! You are so brave.
Stacy-Yes I am. Thank you. I just don't get let anyone push me around.
Ms.Jameson-Take a seat wherever you feel comfortable. I am guessing next to the football player?
Stacy-Well, okay then.(sitting down)
???-Yo Chris. Is that your new girl?
Chris-Nathan,No it's not.
Stacy-Hi i'm Stacy.
Nathan-I know who you are. You're the girl who stood up to Kassy.Plus, you know my girlfriend.
Stacy-Your Girlfriend?
Nathan-Nicole Minaj?
Stacy-Yeah! She is like one of my best friends.
Kassy-More like that whore.
Stacy-Look you better watch what you say.
Kassy-Like you will do anything to me!!!
Stacy-Kassy, I will beat you until you will never forget it.
Kassy-Oh your little boyfriend's gonna save you?
Stacy-He's not my boyfriend!
Kassy-Oh so you can beat me up?
Stacy-I can and I will if you keep pissing me off!
Ms. Jameson-Is there a problem?
Stacy-Me, Nathan,and Chris were having a friendly conversation, then Kassy comes in and just slams the person we are talking about! For no reason and I was just standing up for my friend.
Nathan- That's exactly what happened.
(Skip the rest of the classes)

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