Chapter 20

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FAITH POV: Well after that litle talk with Tim, things have been even more awkward especially since we did go ahead and start the duet. I have to go on stage every night with him. I am not sure if the fans can tell that we really aren't into but our managers and crew and band members noticed. Tim and I got called in for a meeting before the show tonight. When I got there Tim was already there. I sat down next to my manager across from Tim who was sitting with his. "ok guys, what's going on" Tim manager asked "Nothing" we both said at the same time. "Look we can tell theres tension between you two every night since the duet. Guys please just work whatever it is out. I think the fans if they haven't noticed already during the duet, that something isn't right" My manager Gary said. "ok fine whatever" I said "can I go now" "yeah can we go now" Tim said "yeah fine whatever, but please you two thnk about it" "yeah fine" " and Tim?" "yeah fine whatever" Than we both walked out. I was walking to my dressing room about to open the door when someone grabbed my arm "What the.." "sorry didn't mean to scare you" Tim said "no its fine what do you want""can we talk please" "yeah sure" I opened my door and let Tim in. "Look I think they were right" Tim said "who was right" "Our managers" "yeah so and" "Look I don't know what your problem is but.. I cut him off "My problem? what about you" "Me? what did I do? I'm the one who has been trying to be nice but you find everything and anything you can think of to.." "To what Tim just say it" "you know what forget it, I'm done I can't do this anymore. You are punishing me for something that isn't true, never was true and.. You know what I don't have to explain myself to you" He said and than got up to leave. I suddenly realized at that moment, Tim is right. I have been unfair to him I am judging him for something whether its true or not without giving a chance to get to know him so I could judge for myself. As he was about to close the door. "TIM WAIT" I yelled. he walked back in.. "look I'm sorry ok, your right" "Wait did you just say.. I"m right" "yes ok I admit" he than came over and sat down next to me on the couch. We talked for awhile and after talking I got to know alot more about him and he got to know more about me. "well I got to go get ready, see you later" "Ok" he than left. At that moment after he left I realized something.. he's not such a bad guy and very good looking. I smiled and continued to get ready for the show.

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