Two Nightmares

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"you useless brat!" the man said then kicked me in my stomach,

This was the man that kidnapped me when i was 12,
What am i doing here? I asked my self, why is this happening again! I have enough of this i want to get out! I tried to say but no words escape my mouth,

"get up! You peace of crap!!" again the man said then he slowly bend looking at me, he grab my hair making me winch in pain,

"what would they do if they found out what thier little princess are in right now, full of bruises! If your grandpa didn't fight to win my sons case he would have been alive by now!" he said then slap me in the face, i was crying, crying bec. It hurt and bec. I dont even know whats the reason he's doing this,

"why are you doing this? I know that if my grandpa do every thing he can, it means you have the wrong side" i said to him while crying,

He kicked me hard which by now i guess damaged my rib cage cause i can feel like something had cracked inside of me, as a child i should have given up already, but no i dont want to give up, i dont want to end in here, i still want to see my family, thats what i have been thinking all the time, thats why even though i have been spitting blood i still didn't give up,

"my son was killed in prison bec. Of your pathetic hell of a grandfather! I lost my son bec Of him! And now im going to kill thier little princess to let them know how hard it is to lose someone special, thier famous little princess" he said looking at me and smiling evily, just then the sound of sirens surrounds the little abandoned garage that he took me into,

I looked at him who is panicking, he looked at me then say the words i wish i didn't hear,

"i promise i will find you and your little family and kill you", that was his last words and left escaped, just then the door had been knocked down, and when i saw a man wearing a swat uniform i collapsed knowing they arrived,

Then it change, i was now in front of the man again who is about to shoot me but someone rushed thier way to protect me and was shoot, wait! This! It cant be this! I shouted in my mind,

I looked at the man and he smiled evily then sprint with his allies leaving the place in its burning hell,

I was still in shocked, i looked at the man who protected me and it was my grandpa,

"no! no! please wake me up! I dont want to see this! I dont want to be here! No! No!!!---

"no!!!!!" i shouted then sprint from my bed, still catching my breath i looked at my surroundings, i was still in my room,

My bed has been a mess from me rolling again and again from my dream, i was bathing in sweat,

"why remember that horrible night?" i asked my self, i curled my self in my bed and started to cry, tears are my friends when it comes to this, bec. After crying it makes me feel better even for a little,

Then i drifted of to sleep...

I was in a flower filled, the air breeze smells so fresh and sweet, the filled was pack with defferent flowers growing, defferent colors are in the filled, butterflies are flying and some are at the top of each defferent flowers, the trees surrounding the filled, the sky was clear,

I smiled to what i was seeing,

Then suddenly the breeze gets cold and the wind blows stronger now, the flowers died and the butterflies turned black before it falls to the ground, the clouds turned darker and lightning was forming, a man came out in one of the trees holding a knife, he walked closer, it was him, he who kidnapped me and killed my grandfather,

"i still am not finished with you little brat" he said smirking and walking towards me,

I step backed up and started to run, but right when i turned and step my feet to run he got a holding of my wrist and he slashed the knife right into my stomach,

The filled that are once beautiful turned into a dead land, my blood splattered into the dead flowers,

I fall to the ground, blood still coming out of the slash in my stomach, some blood came out of my mouth,

He smiled evily at me and said, " remember what i said, i will kill you wherever you go, your life will be the payment of my sons life"

Being the person that i am, i smiled st him which he looked taken aback,

"i know, and your life will be the payment of my grandfathers life" i said before i took the knife in his hand and stabbed it right into his heart,


I sprint from my bed with heavy breathing and a lot of sweat again,

"that wasnt a good sign" i said into no one in particular,

I let out a long sigh, two nightmares in one night, i never had this before, usually its only one but now, im scared,

"one-chan i need you right now" i said but it came out as a whisper,

I tried to sleep but the picture of me in the filled dead just keep popping in my mind, i stand up from my bed leaving it in a mess, i took my night gowns silky jacket dress and wore it for cover, i didn't care that i was still in my night gown and the silky jacket dress are the only one that cover me, i just wanted to go somewhere, a place where i can always find peace and fell the beauty of harmony,

I looked at the time which reveals that it was still 4 in the morning,

I walk towards my drawer and open it, i took my car keys whom grandma bought me since she knew that i already know how to drive and i already have my license,

No one in my age have a license except if you have some help with professional lawyers that can give you permission and in my case, i have my grandparents and of course i still did take the test driving to pass and i did,

I also took my wallet incase in need of money and with that i slowly got out of my room, tip toed in the stairs towards the leaving room and softly walk towards the door, took a slipper in the shoe shelf and wore it, i slowly carefully open the door and its locked, got out and carefully closed it behind me,

I walk towards my car which is beside the limo, i hop inside excitedly since this is my first time driving and going out without anyone with me, i told the car to start, it examined my voice first and scanned me,
"scanned complete" a robotic machine voice said, my car is actually automatic, grandma got this in millions in France, just need the keys for car problems and emergencies to open the back of the car,

I started driving, got out of the villa and into the street,

Im going to the place where i always wanted to go when i was still a kid,

It was on the top, from the bottom you can see that from the top to bottom is a cliff but i know that when your at the top of that cliff you can see the house and places small yet i know it would be a beautiful view,

With that in thought i started driving faster,

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