Chapter One

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I laid on my bed in silence as I listened to my mom and her new boyfriend for the week arguing.

I should be use to it by now but I'm not. It's hard each time hearing the arguments and then hearing the beatings and my mom wailing in pain.

My name's Eva Gordan. I live in a huge city on the bad side of town. I had no friends and kept to myself mostly. My mom was always busy with her coming and going flings and my dad was in prison for killing a man. I'm a shirt girl with long black hair that goes all the way to my butt. I don't live a good life style. There's hardly any food in the house, My clothes are from thrift stores and a lot of them are ones I stole. My house looks like trash and I get made fun of by the popular kids at my school.

"Eva! Get your ass down here! You need to come eat and get to school!" I heard my mother say as she hollered from the broken, splinter infested stair case.

I sighed, rolling my eyes and got out of my bed, throwing on a Slipknot shirt and some black jeans.

I headed downstairs and saw my mom. Her face was bruised and her lip was busted.

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" I asked looking in the fridge for some orange juice but there was none, not surprising.

"Mind your own damn business Eva and get your ass moving."

I looked at the nasty stuff my mom called oatmeal and grabbed my old ratted book bag of the chair and walked away to the door.

"Eva, I cook this for you and you don't even eat it." My mom said sounding agitated.

"It's fine mom, I'm not hungry." I said and ran out the door before she could say anything else.

As I stepped out onto my porch I saw people moving into the house right next to mine.

I starred for a minute and saw a really cute guy coming out. He had shaggy, curly dirty blonde hair and was dressed in all black, no logos or anything. I noticed he had a book bag on his shoulder as he walked off the porch and down the stairs.

"Hey!" I heard him holler and walked down my steps.

"Hey! Stop!" He said again and I realized he was talking to me.

I turned around and said, "oh hello."

"Do you go to Jefferson High?" He asked.

"Uhh yea I do actually, why?"

"Today's my first day and need help getting there." He relied with a cute smile.

"Sure, just follow me." I said and noticed a plastered a grin on my face.

No one ever talks to me, not even people in my neighbor hood. Well I take that back Mrs. Shannon talks to me but she's a little old lady, maybe in her eighties. Her husband had died just a couple years ago and I go help her out with cleaning and just keep her company. I even stay the night over there sometimes so she's not lonely.

"I'm Micah by the way." He said as we walked down the side walk.

"I'm Eva. Nice to meet you." I said.


We arrived at school and walked up to the doors. There was a line because we had to go through metal detectors and sometimes patted down.

"Is this school really tight with safety or what?" Micah asked.

"Yeah, only because some of us kids from the bad side of the tracks go here. The ones that haven't dropped out yet that is." I replied.

"That's a little dumb, people shouldn't judge just by where we come from." Micah retorted sounding a little upset.

"Well there have also been a couple incidents with knives and such."

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