Chapter Thirteen

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Micah's POV:

I looked into her crying eyes and hated myself for what I've been doing to her. I've abused her and now I've cheated. Why do I do this to the girl I love more than anything? Why can't I control my anger? Why did I cheat?

I laid in the bed next to Eva after we finished. She curled up into a ball and I could hear her crying. I know she didn't want me to know but I did. I stayed silent, I was ashamed of myself. I didn't deserve her. I'm going to do whatever it takes to win back her trust.


Eva and I walked into bio class and sat in the back as usual.

Instead of taking her usual spot by her 'queen', Cheyenne sat right beside me. She scooted her desk closer to mine and Eva just glared at the both of us.

"Cheyenne, would mind sitting with Mellisa." I said as I scooted away from her.

"What? Why? Didn't you have fun with me?" She asked desperately.

"No, and if you don't mind my girlfriend and I are trying to study." I replied.

"Fine, Eva you should know that we had sex." Cheyenne said with a snobby but hurt tone.

"I already know and we worked it out." Eva replied not looking at Cheyenne.

Cheyenne grabbed her books and ran out of the room crying. Mellisa got up and looked at me then said, "your a real jerk." And ran out of the room behind her minion.

"Like she has room to be talking." I whispered to Eva.

"But she's right." She replied back to me.

I couldn't believe she said that to me but I understood. I didn't say anything else. I kept my mouth shut the rest of the school day and Eva didn't even really try and talk to me.


I walked out of my last class for the day and saw Eva talking to some guy. I didn't know who it was but it made me angry. She was smiling like she used to smile at me and laughing like she used to with me.

I walked over to them and pushed the kid into the wall.

"Micah what are you doing?" Eva yelled at me.

"Your cheating on me now? With this guy?" I said in anger.

"Last I knew talking wasn't cheating! We were talking about our teacher Miss Harris!" She continued to scream at me which didn't help the cause.

Next thing I knew I hit the kid in the face and he fell to the ground. Eva pushed me away from him and knelt down by his side.

"Mr. Hadley! To my office now!" I heard our principal Mr. York yell behind me.

I glared at Eva who was glaring back at me and walked to the office.


Hey so here's another one from Micah! I hope you enjoyed and I know it's not as long as the other chapters.. sorry about that!




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Thank you

Lots of love ;)

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