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There I was, sitting on the Dreadnaught, looking out upon a firefight of some cabal and hive, I was waiting for Kyle a fellow guardian, he was a close friend and very skilled, if I needed a fire team he would be on it for sure. We were on a mission, a mission to find a key, Cayde-6, an exo and a hunter expert, asked some guardians who reported some sort of circular shaped thing, about what they saw exactly. Those guardians said that it emanated whispers and disappeared before they got anywhere close enough to make out what it really was. Cayde speculated that it might be able to help us find ascendant give that could take Oryx's throne. We asked Eris Morn, a guardian consumed by darkness, but still living, she gave us stealth chip so that we could go near it when we found it. So that's why I'm sitting on this rock, waiting.

Kyle finally warped in, "Took you long enough" I said sarcastically, "Hey, I wanted to get my brand spanking new Zhalo Supercell." Kyle replied, "Alright, Alright, I guess that is a good excuse." I said in return. "Now, those guardians also reported high readings when they were near, supposedly that's when you'll know it's the key, and don't get yourself killed, alright?" Cayde said over the com channel, "Don't worry Cayde, we got this." I said, "How about we start hunting eh?" Kyle asked, "Lets go then." I replied. We started walking to the vault, "Don't you think it's really beautiful here?"I said while looking around, "Depends on what your definition of beautiful is." Kyle remarked, "I'm serious." I replied, "Well so am I." Kyle said Snarkily, "Never mind." I said with a sigh. "Hold." Kyle said hastily, "What?" I asked, "I've got extremely high readings." Kyle said "Looks like its to the left." "Looks we got Taken." I said with disappointment "We can deal with them later." Kyle replied "We have a mission." "How about this, I kill the Taken and you go check out the readings, sound good?" I asked, "Fine, but be quick about it." He said with a long sigh "Not a problem." I Said with a Cracked smile on my face. I started to pick-off the Taken when Kyle called out, "Get over here, I think I found something." I picked-off a few more Taken before running over "Whats up?"

I soon realized why he was calling out.

It was, something, to say the least. It had the shape of a poker chip, but it was definitely not a poker chip. It had some sort of markings on it that glowed a dark green, somehow. Weird thing was, nothing else was there and you don't normally get high readings from a dinky little poker chip, and it just, floated there. I grabbed it out of the the vault, "Shit." I Yelled in pain, "It's surprisingly sharp" I said, "Or are you just a baby?" Kyle Remarked, "Shut up, no one wants your opinion." I said angrily, "I want my opinion." Kyle replied, "Never mind..." I said with a sigh. After I touched the dumb poker chip it started to, emanate whispers, "I don't think any normal poker chip stabs someone and whispers" I said, "Well it looks to be some sort of rune, a taken rune maybe." He said, correcting me, "Cayde, we found some sort of a rune, it looks to be taken." I said over the Com channel, "Eris, do you know about anything like this?" Cayde asked Eris over the Com channel, "I sense it is what you require, your key, if it is what I think it is, then you must find the door quickly, the key for the door changes rapidly." Eris said over the Com channel, "This may be our only chance to finding any hive strong enough to take Oryx's throne." "I got the coordinates, let's go!" My ghost said eagerly, we quickly nodded at each other and started running to the coordinates, "That was quicker than I thought." I said with a bit of relief, "It's not over yet." Kyle Remarked, The door was quite large, about 10 yards tall and 15 yards wide. As you can tell it wasn't your regular door. "Here we go..." I said nervously. Kyle took out the rune and it started to float. Then it disintegrated and the hive locks unlocked. Then the door slowly opened to reveal a long, long dark walkway, "Creepy..." I said hesitantly, "We're not doing anything productive here, so how about we go in?" Kyle asked. I nodded. We started walking down the dark walkway, the long dark walkway.

It was around an hour later, "Is there an end?!" I Yelled through the empty walkway, "I'm starting to think not, but if there is a door it must lead somewhere right?" Kyle said Hesitantly, "I hope you're rig..." I froze, salvation, Light! "OH MY GOD THERE IS AN END!" I Yelled in excitement, I ran as fast as I could to the light, like someone might swim towards a life preserver if they were drowning. "At last!" Kyle Yelled in a little less excitement, we both ran like little kids through a field, happy as can be, at least on a ship filled with monsters that can teleport and try to kill you in any way, shape, or form. When everything came back to light it was a bit blurry, but after a bit it finally came into view. "YOU."an ominous voice bellowed. "YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO BE HERE, LEAVE AT ONCE."The voice said again, "Well since we need this key, I guess we gotta fight." Kyle said "At least its not that walkway." I remarked. We both stepped into the arena SLAM, the door closed behind us "Jesus!" I said in Surprise, "Calm down, it wasn't that scary." Kyle said, "Shut up!" I quickly said back. "So how are you gonna try and kill us, eh?" Kyle Asked, "DEATH IS NOT A MERCY I SHALL GRANT YOU, AIOLOS TAKE THEM." The voice replied. Suddenly 30 Taken Vandals appeared along an upper ledge with a small Taken dreg that looked to be Aiolos, "You don't look so tough, little guy." I said to Aiolos, out of nowhere he pulled out a beam weapon that looked like it hurt. He fired it immediately cutting through the arena walls like butter, "Ok, I take it back." I said Hastily while running as quick as possible. Kyle wasn't quite fast enough so I made a quick maneuver and threw a smoke grenade directly at Aiolos, Stalling him. Kyle quickly took action, throwing his own storm grenade at a group of vandals, effectively killing them. We split up I took the high ground to kill the vandals, while Kyle took the low ground, going after Aiolos, the vandals were easy to deal without their high ground, but none the less, were still a problem. Kyle ran up to Aiolos and meleed him right in the face, stunning him for at least a minute. Kyle then took out his shotgun and started blasting him right in the face, effectively killing him. After Aiolos died, the rest of the vandals were cannon fodder. "You're not running anywhere now." I said proudly. "YOU SHALL SUFFER IN THE FOUNTS FOR ETERNITY, TAKE THEM ANDRONICUS." The voice said, Suddenly 20 Taken Psions and 20 Taken Phalanxes with what looked to be Andronicus, he looked like a larger Taken Colossus, with a much larger gun, "Well..." Kyle said hesitantly, "This will be, fun." I bolted into combat, immediately tethering Andronicus and whipping out my Sword, Raze Lighter, slicing and cutting Andronicus. Kyle ran in and called upon the storm, destroying all the psions and phalanxes extremely quickly, for an elite squad that is. After I unloaded almost all of my sword's energy into Andronicus, he didn't even have a scratch on him. "You're tougher than I thought" I said to Andronicus, "Brerehrgebrehrllrr" Andronicus replied before charging at me full speed, I quickly dodged, managing to avoid him, making his charge squish a few phalanxes, "Lucky me..." I said in relief. I managed to see a somewhat vulnerable spot on Andronicus's back, I decided to stab it with what I had left of a sword. I ran at full speed, Plunging it straight through his weak spot. Direct hit. After that Andronicus immediately died, turning into dust. Kyle managed to finish off the last of the taken. "Not taking anyone today." Kyle said proudly. "ARGGGHHHH." The voice said, outraged. "NO MORE MERCY YOU SHALL BE TORTURED UNDER MY WRATH." Suddenly, a large knight with a extremely large hive shredder appeared from a portal in the center of the arena. "I AM NOKRIS, THE HIGHBORN SON." Noriks bellowed. "YOU MAY HAVE KILLED MY FATHER BUT I AM STRONGER THAN HIM." "The portal, get to it!" Kyle yelled, we started running as fast as possible to the portal. Come on come on! I thought as it was about to close. Just when it was going to close we had both made it through the portal at the very last second.

It was dark, not very dark though. There were multiple pillars with what looked to be engravings on the tops of them. Not just that but the pillars... they... they all orbited something... some blight... then it popped...

"Lance! Lance! Wake up! Lance!" Everything was really blurry, but one thing i could see for sure, we weren't on the Dreadnaught. "Uuughhh." I said while trying to get up. "Where am I..." "Venus" Kyle replied "Saskja Crater"

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