Chapter one-Life.

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Riley Matthews.Your typical 16 year old girl who has the strangest mind and aspirations and is still trying to find herself in this crazy world.Her long,brown wavy locks flow perfectly down her back and she can make even the most ridiculous fashion choices work.Wouldn't you think her life would be amazing?Of course Riley doesn't think so because she hasn't yet found a single person to love.Even her best friend Maya has found someone but Riley doesn't know who and ofcourse her niavity is still there.

Farkle Minkus.Labelled the nerdy guy and the geek of John Quincy Adams high school.You would think he would get picked on however since he is one of the upcoming cleverest people alive,people know to not get on the bad side of him.He might invent something that will make their lives a living hell in the future.You never know.His best friend Lucas is a jock but hasn't found 'the one' eventhough he is considered the hottest guy in school.Farkle,too,with his changed look into a mysterious figure is yet to find his true love.

There is just one thing left.Farkle and Lucas and Maya and Riley hate each other.They're on two sides of a war that is continous.What is going to happen when Farkle and Riley are pushed together by the school and are made to date for a whole month without falling in love with one another or else they will lose the bet?
So yep first chapter.There you go.Don't really know if it is going to be good but oh well I'm not planning on being a professional author.
Tell me what you think about the idea so far.
Megan x

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