Chapter Nine-Josh Knew

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Riley was sat in her bedroom,still floating on air from yet another date with Farkle.They had been dating for around 3 weeks now and the school had caught on that the bet had been broken.They were very open about their relationship because they loved each other so much.She was listeningn to music when she heard a faint knock at the window.Probably Maya.She looked up to see her bestfriend.Her tears were tear stained and her body was shaking.Riley's heart broke at the sight of this.Her bestfriend looked broken again.She quickly rushed to the window and let her Maya in.
"Maya are you ok?Scrap that,that is a stupid question.What happened?"
Maya's body was still trembling so it made it harder for her to speak.
"'tpullawayand....It's all a mess."
Riley stared at her bestfriend.Her eyes wide in shock.She slowly hugged Maya and they sat in the window seat for a while like that until Maya calmed down a bit.
"Oh Maya.Do you like Josh?"
Maya nodded forcefully because of course she liked Josh,she loved him.
"Ok good.Do you like Lucas?"
Maya didn't know how to answer that question.She was confused as to what her feelings were towards Lucas.Maybe she did like Lucas but she just didn't know it yet.Or maybe she didn't like him like that.
"I don't know what I feel towards him."
Maya was so confused.Her head felt like it was going to explode however Riley was there to console,as always.

Josh was sat in his room when he heard the sound of Maya's voice coming from Riley's room.He went towards her door and was about to open it when he heard crying.He decided to leave it and sit outside the door instead and wait for it to stop.What he heard next made his heart skip a beat.Maya knew about Lucas liking her.Josh started to get mad and punched the wall.At this point Riley and Maya came to the door and saw him sat there.
"Josh I'm so sory did you hear that?"
Maya had tears filling up her eyes again.Great Josh knew.
"Oh er yes but it's ok I kinda already knew about Lucas liking you because we kinda had a fight about it after he found out about us two being together.I am so sorry too."
Josh had stood up and began to walk up to Maya but she stopped him by placing an arm out infront of her.
"Josh.How could you do that?Why would you lie to me about something like that and how could you fight.I thought I could trust you but obvioulsy I was wrong.Jusg stay away ok?I knew dating someone older than me woildn't work.I am so stupid.And I kinda kissed Lucas too tonight so I think we should break up."
With that Maya stormed out of the house,just as upset as when she came in.Josh was still stood in the hall,very shocked and Riley was still silent.What had really just happened?
So Maya and Josh broke up which is very sad because I love them but I feel it just has to happen.I know that Riarkle wasn't in this chapter again but next chapter will involve the aftermath of what just happened between Josh and Maya and a very cute one month anniversary date with Riley and Farkle.
Keep thinking thoughts...
Megan x

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