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Have you ever heard of the 'rocking chair regret'? Because now that I look back, I really regret the fact that it took me so long to propose to Annabeth. We were in our late twenties when I finally got the guts to propose and let's just say that night was amazing because we got to eat a lot of pizzas. We were in Italy at that time, traveling across the world while rescuing more demigods.

"RIELY? Come down right now!" Annabeth cried. I looked at her then at the fifteen year-old boy who was stumbling down the stairs holding his sister.

'Okay! Sorry, mom,' he rolled his eyes

'Don't you dare use that tone, young man,' Annabeth warned, pointing at the boy. We were planning to go to the Carnival near by, since Riely is going to be sent to Camp Half Blood for the summer. Talk about Camp Half Blood, I miss it, so much that it pains me. I still remember the quests we had, the adventures and the war, mostly, like yesterday. Time flew by so fast, but Annabeth is still the Wise Girl that had accompanied me through Tartarus. The kids grew up, and started to be a pain in the butt, Paul and Mom are now happy being grandma and grandpas.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets, the cold sensation of a metallic rod made contact with my skin. I haven't really used Riptide for a while. And by that I mean a good ten years. I miss the weight of the sword, the thrilling sound it makes adrenaline pump through my veins like hot fire.

I sound like an old grandpa do I? Well, I'm not that old, I just hit forty. I can still jump like a sheep? A kangaroo? Which one's higher? Maybe a cow, it jumped over the moon after all. 

Anyway, we arrived the Carnival and was immediately greeted by the smell of crowds, which means the smell of perfumes, cologines, deodorants, and disgusting body odours mixed together. Which is much worse than odours. We walked forward but stopped at the sight of a man wearing his signature beach shorts, flip flops and a shirt.

"G-pa!" Riely and Carley shouted in sync before crushing Dad into a hug. The God chuckled before hugging them back.

"So Riely, you're going to go to Camp Half Blood tommorrow, eh?" He said after letting them go, Riely nodded with excitment in his eyes. 

"When can I go?" Carley asked.

"Next year," I patted her head with a smile. She frowned as I laughed, "you're not old enough, darling."

"Hey! You went there whe you're twelve, and I'm fourteen, that's not fair." She pouted, crossing her arms angrily.

"Well, if you go there this year, then it's not fair for your brother too right?" Annabeth smiled at her.

"Mom, you're not helping." She rolled her eyes. Poseidon laughed, "sweetie, I get that you wanna be a hero, but... You're not your dad, he 'stole' Zeus's lightning bolt after all."

Then the sky rumbled, in a blink of an eye, Athena was next to Posiedon.

"G-ma!" The kids cried with joy as mortals stayed unaware of the woman- goddess who appeared out of thin air.

"Dad I missed you," I hugged him.

"Me too son," he said warmly, "so, how's life?"

"Good, very good actually. Jason and the others occasionally show up at our house with random reasons like Chinese New Year, International llama day and stuff. And looking after the kids while looking back to our life twenty four seven. Not too shabby for a happily ever after."

As if on cue, Zeus appeared in front of us with a clap of thunder wearing an expression that clearly stated somethings wrong. 

"Percy, Jason and Thalia was kidnapped. And we got a message from Hades saying that the monsters in Tartarus are breaking out, also a threat from those monsters saying something about if I don't give them the Golden Fleece myself they would not only kill my kids, they would also destroy Mount Olympus. Which I actually doubt, but after all these years, I learnt that everything is possible."

"Well Dad," I said with a sigh, "for the appetiser, forget everything I said about happily ever after. And for the main course please, send my kids to Camp Half Blood. Then finally for desert, just wish that I won't die a painful death."

The gods chuckled as Annabeth shook her head before slapping the side of mine saying, "Seaweed brain, just shut up and call Piper and the others."

"Ow! Why, after all these years you still do that?" I said, rubbing the spot that was throbbing very hard.

 "Ugh, just do it."


Well, time to be a hero and save this world. Again for the third time. The three Fates, if you can hear me, please, don't let my friends and I die a painful death. I still have a lot of this to regret on my rocking chair after fifty years.

"Percy! Stop day dreaming and call them."

"Whatever you say, my wise girl."

"Just do it."

"Nike. Nice reference."

"Call them, now."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Oh. My. GODS!" She shouted.

Chuckling silently, I called my friends.

Chuckling silently, I called my friends

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High school DEMIGODS (slowly under minor editing)Where stories live. Discover now