Chapter 3

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  Chapter 3

  Staring into the man's black eyes, I let out a terrified scream so loud it causes Dean and Sam to jump out of their seats. I don't stop there though. I continue to shriek when the monster gives me a devious smile until Dean attempts to try and shut me up.

"What the hells your problem?" He asks in a hush whisper everyone in the car can still hear.

"His...His eyes...They're black!" I stutter, unable to get any words out. Sam gives me a quizzical look but Dean on the other hand, doesn't even try to hide the fact of making me look crazy. He gives one last glace back at the police officer for reassurance before finally responding.

"No their not, so calm down." He whispers threateningly. So not only was I truly confused about what was even happening today, but now I was hallucinating. Might as well just give me the straight jacket before this goes any further.

"Sir, is something wrong?" The man directs his question towards Dean but looks at me as he says it.

"No everything's fine. We just really need to get going." Sam cuts in leaning over the seat. I look away at this point, unable to withstand looking at the man and his blackened eyes any longer.

"I'm afraid you wont be going any where, any time soon." I hear the police officer say.

"And why is that?" Dean says and without even looking at him, I can tell he's glaring at the man.

"I'll be taking the child." The man demands and I can already tell the brothers aren't going to like being told what to do. Then what he just said starts to set in. He wants to take me, why? I don't dare look back to find out, to afraid of what I might see. A gasp comes from the front seats and the sound of struggle follows closely after. Finally the curiosity is to overwhelming and I lift my head to find Dean holding the dark eyed man by the neck. The man chuckles but it sounds deranged, and evil. "The one and only Sam and Dean. I could say its a pleasure but I have much more important business to attend to first. So hand over the girl and no one has to get hurt." He smiles and Dean squeezes harder, causing the man to claw at his hands for breath.

"If you know who we are, then you should already know that this isn't going to end well for you." Dean says and before I even have the chance to blink Dean pulls a familiar silver gun from his pocket. At first I think he might just be using it to threaten him, but then in slow motion I see him pull the trigger and hit the officer square in the chest with a bullet. I let out a cry as the man staggers back and crumples to the ground in a pool of blood. I bang on the window and pull uselessly on the handle of the locked car door. I continue to struggle but it was no use, I had lost my one chance of freedom. Thrown it away to these killers and now someone else had to die because of my actions.

  Dean slams down on the gas throwing me back in my seat. Without looking back at the man he just killed, we continue down the narrow highway. Neither Sam nor Dean try to calm me down this time, which could be sign my time was almost up. The silence drowns on for what seems like hours until Dean finally pulls over on the side of the road to make a phone call. He steps out of the car leaving Sam and I alone to continue to sit in quiet. At least I wish it could have stayed that way.

"Are you ok?" Sam asks turning to face me.

"Am I ok? I can't believe you have the nerve to even ask me that! Of course I'm not ok. I woke up in my own grave, my boyfriend cheated on me and now I've been kidnapped by two strangers who shot a man and ineffably are going to kill me too!" I scream right at him as my face turns red with rage.

"Scarlett I understand your upset but I promise we'll explain everything when we have the chance. But for now your going to have to trust we're not going to hurt you." He says calmly but I don't relax. Instead I grow angrier until the emotions become to overwhelming and I double over in pain. My head begins to ache and throb, throwing me onto the floor of the car in a haze of pain. "Scarlett, what's happening?" Sam says urgently, but his voice seems far away and even when he puts his hand on my shoulder I can't find the energy to shove him away from me in disgust.

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