Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Scarlett!" Dean's bulky hands appear in front of my face as he snaps his fingers to get my attention. My eyes flicker away from the ragged strands of carpet I was currently counting. Around the room, papers are scattered on every possible surface. Fresh rings of coffee mark the table from where Sam had been indulging himself on caffeine for 12 straight hours. Dean on the other hand slams another empty beer bottle down next to him. 

"What do you think?" Sam asks and I can't help but squint towards him in compete confusion.

"I think that we should-" I look the brothers over as Dean awaits eagerly for my nonexistent response. "Okay, I wasn't listening." I admit with a loud sigh.

"That makes two of us." Dean raises his hand, only for it to be smacked back down by an irritated Sam.

"Guys, stop fooling around. We've been researching for hours now and we have nothing. That means more people are going to die if we don't do something." Sam leans back in his chair, frustrated with how little we could find on this crummy town's history.

"Up until now, Ridge Valley has had to be the dullest place we've come across in a hunt." Dean wasn't wrong. It seems this string of murders have been the first and hopefully last thing thing to happen to these oblivious people.

Sam ponders the same question that had been going through all our heads. "It seems the only way we're going to gain any upper hand in this is by attending one of the reserve's parties."

I snort at the thought. Talking to the brothers was the only thing keeping me grounded after the eventful night I had with Jake. The stench of copper still burned strongly in my nostrils. "I would love to see you two try and pass for high school students." Even Dean doesn't protest to this.

"Well, if we can't, then how will we be able to stop these massacres?" Sam mutters, his eyes growing wide at the impact of what he just said. "No." He points at me, but it's too late. I'm already smiling.

"Please. Sending me into the field is really the only option and with another forest rave tonight, you're running out of time." It made perfect sense. I went in undercover, had a few beers, and by the end of the night I've taken down a pack of murderess werewolves.

Sam looks to Dean for backup, but he shrugs his shoulders, apologetically. "I hate to say it Sammy, but she's right. What better way to get into a teenager party then with a teenager."

His answer leaves my mouth gaping open. Dean Winchester, agreeing with me? 

Sam wasn't as convinced though. "Dean, you're the one that said she was untrained and it would be reckless to send her out on a hunt. Not to mention, she would be unprotected and alone."

"All valid points, but what other choice do we have?"

"I think your forgetting the demon that nearly got out while we were gone. We lost a good pair of handcuffs because we left her alone." It seems the brothers had reversed roles, but I understood Dean was just as against me going as Sam.

"Yes, but Scarlett managed to contain him. A full fledge demon attacked her and she's still alive. I don't like the idea anymore than you do, but she's obviously not as defenceless as we first thought." Dean argues and I can't helping feel guilty at the mention of my twisted lie.

Sam looks at the two of us. He sees me hanging on the edge of my seat in anticipation. "I know I'm going to regret this later, but you're right."


Night had long since fallen on the quiet, little town with only the full moon to give off light at this late hour. I wait at the front of the Impala as Dean had instructed I do, while Sam fishes through the truck's arsenal. I occupy my time listening to the pounding beat of music from down the street, muddled with the cheers and shouts of arriving guests. Soon the car quivers under me as the trunk slams shut with a echoing thud. Sam comes around the vehicle first, eyeing me curiously and my choice of wardrobe.

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