Last will?

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Hi guys, here is chapter two. Enjoy!!

After such a somber day, the night as expected was quite stilled and meditative.This found Fay sitting next to the fireplace.

The softly burning fire was the only light  in the room. It cackled and popped behind the glass enclosing making shadows play about ,uninhibited ,in full display.

Fay didn't pay much attention to them, as the eerie ambience matched her moods.

She silently sipped her wine. She looked quite picturesque in her white dressing gown with matching slippers, still and silent.

She secretly relished and savoured the silence. Knowing full well, it had a time limit. Another day will bring forth a can of worms. One needs to gear up for the battle ahead.She had managed to block of her publicist ,the media, the family , Marcus....

Thinking of the devil, The shadows moved and a silhouette appeared.


The glass almost fell. "What are you doing here!?"

"This couldn't wait". He marched in and sat on one of the chairs opposite her, uninvited. She wasn't happy.

"What is it?" She questioned, placing her glass on the table. He mimicked her by placing his signature briefcase also on the table. He didn't say a word as he opened it and took out some papers and a small circular bag.

Not at all amused she slowly repeated, "What is it Marcus?". She new she won't be able to get rid of him until he was done talking. The quicker she got rid of the unwelcomed visitor , the quicker she can go back to enjoy  her lone time.

"You know am the executor of the late Mr.Bradwell will..?" He started.

"Of course I knew, you didn't have to come all this way to tell me this". Why bother. She knew it was inevitable. Being Mr Bradwell second self , it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"Here is part one of the will", Quite composed , as if used to Fay's taunts, he opened the small bag revealing a USB drive.

"What do you mean by part one of the will!?" She started.

"It doesn't make sense!" She shook her head incredulously.

Her eyes moved back to Marcus, his beady eyes were gleaming. Did he know some thing that she didn't., or was it the rushed questions!

"Dammit" she muttered. Did she just give the enemy an opportunity to read her mind?

He smirked, She just about you take that smirk of yours and shove...

"Here, take it, we'll watch it now". He handed it to her. " This are the paper documents with the two witness showing the will's legality.

She quickly looked them over. Marcus was not one of the witness, she was disappointed. It could only mean one thing. He was a beneficiary. She should have expected as much.
The first name she knew, the man was quite harmless , but the second name she didn't expect. Thomas!!? This wasn't good. She needed answers.

"Marcus, explain yourself".


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