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Hi guys, this is my first attempt writing a book, so let me know what you think. Positive feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you and enjoy!

Life can be very interesting at times. Always the good, the bad and the ugly. The wise ones say that how you lead your life is your decision, for example For it to be good , you choose for it to be good. Likewise For it to be bad, you choose for it to be bad. What if someone already made that decision for you, which in turn makes your life a living hell and you have no say over it. What if your stuck with the bad....Always the bad.

Once in a while Fayola had this thoughts, when life became too much to bare.

She silently watched as the guests came in and recognising most of them.They were few in number but they didnt dissapoint showcasing how 'big' they were in the society.As their expensive cars rolled in one after the other, they slowly alighted making their way into the building. She moved from the window before anyone could see her, her dress trailling behind.

She sat on the stool, facing the vanity. The girl with the beautiful dress and veil stared back, as if mocking her. Her hair and make-up looked perfect, all in all very beautiful. The dead eyes and straight lips, told a different story.

She felt nothing, no sadness, no happiness, nothing. Anything would be better than nothing. "Nothing", She whispered, somehow amazed that a human being could reach this level of emotion.

"We are commencing!". A knock from the other side of the door broke her reverie.

She stood up, fixed her veil and made her way to the door. The pitter patter of her shoes made little soft thuds in the empty hallway.

She new this was it. She had a few options, there was definitely no turning back. Things were bad now. One option was to leave things the way they are, she neared the entrance.
The next option was to move things from bad to good, she stopped in front of the big oak door. The last option was to make things ugly, she pressed her palms on the door.

She threw the door open and stepped inside. Gasps and shocked statements rang in the entire room.

A small smirk appeared behind the veil.

Fayola knew she had made a great life decision.

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