Down memory lane

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"Fay as agreed, you'll be interviewed at one point during the memorial service". Her publicist said through the speaker phone. "Don't worry, they will only ask you a set of questions that I have prepared". Her publicist continued , at the same time her butler handed her the said questions. "Just familiarise yourself with the answers and feel free to let out the right emotions at the right moment".

Fay quickly browsed through the paper, while having a cup of coffee. "As always you do a magnificent job". She praised her publicist. "As a bonus, you can allow the media to interview other guests".

"Really!!??..." Her publicist screeched , As if not believing her good luck she quickly answered. "Agreed and Fay you cannot take this back, it's already set on stone, it will be to late, I repeat , too late".

Fay couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry I won't change my mind. This is my apology to you for making you clear up the circus I created". Even though I pay her tons of money, she very good at her job and quite influential, if one day we won't work together it's good to keep on her good side.

"Do not worry Fay, We have clear control of the guests coming and the questions the media will ask and also for the final footage for publishing, clearly after this your image will be back to being spotless and on top again". Her fast talking publicist stated.

"I trust your words". Fay said. Fay didn't trust her words, she only trusted her own actions. She wouldn't have let the media interview the guests if she had not done something about it already. As her publicist said the guests coming were of a controlled group, mostly the POWEN ladies and their husbands. The most influential and powerful group in the country.
She dearly hoped that her show and tell she did in front of her friends, Miya and katey ,would be enough to sway the group to her side, that the wives managed to make their husbands sympathise with her. It was like gambling by putting in small stakes and expecting to win big, but she needed their interviews to be as realistic as possible, so that they would be more believable.
The world should be for her not against , you never know when you'll need them to come to your aid.

"See you later Fay". Her publicist concluded.

"See you later". Fay finished.


"Mrs.Fay?". The butler asked.

"Mmmmm...". Fay absentmindently answered, her eyes and mind still stuck on that piece of paper. She was almost done with her coffee, now that she thought about she was feeling a bit hungry, thanks to yesterday's drama she didn't even have a morsel of food.

"Pardon..", her butler was saying something.

"Mr. Alex requests your presence downstairs, in the dining area. He mentioned and I quote 'she's going to love this surprise..'. " The butler stated.

"Do you know what the surprise is?" Fay asked.

"No, I didn't want to ruin it for you". Replied the butler happily smiling.

Fay audibly sighed while standing up. She straightened out her black knee length dress. She was already dressed in the appropriate outfit for the memorial with minimal make up and her hair brushed to one side falling in front over right shoulder in curls.

"Am giving you five seconds to remember what I told you about 'surprises' ". Fay adorned her feet with the necessary house slippers and made her way towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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