chapter one

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I found out about my ability when I was about 7. I would use it for my own needs like, getting new shoes right when they came out, set some thing before my friends did, and to go and see my dad when he was alive........but that was when I was young. but now I am 16 and do things for others. I have been attacked by another time jumper but that was when I was 10ish. but that was a long time ago. now to present time.

I just bought some food, red bulls, cereal, new clothes, and a watch. this is normal things we time jumpers buy. I get different types of energy drink's like monsters, rock stars and other stuff. but I also bought a bracelet for my girlfriend in this time period. I only have one cause I am not a man whore. or at least one before I jump in to an other time period. but I only have one still. her name is um.............well..............uh.......I don't remember but that dose not matter right now she is a nice girl and very nice but some times she can be a bitch but that is some times. sorry about my language we just got in to a fight. but now I am at a bar following an other time jumper.

my target gets up and walks out of the bar I follow him out and to an alley. I look around and he is not there. then I feel a knife go in to my arm. I grab it where it is bleeding, rip out the knife, and spin around. I see a man throw another knife at me, I grab it and run towards the man.

the mans eyes open up as wide a owls eyes, drops the third knife and try's to run away. I grab the knife by the blade and throw it at the man. the hilt of the knife hits him in the back of the head and he stumbled and falls to the ground. I run over to him and check him for a gun. then I see that he has one of the necklace's but he dose not have the ability to time jump. I rip the necklaces off of his neck and ask him who gave this to him. all he did was take a note out that has my name on the front. I take the note, tell him thank you then blast him in the face. I wipe off the tiny bit of blood that he got on my Nike air Jordan's. then I walk to the closest library. I look at the necklace and recognize that it says that some one is still wearing it. I think for a second then drop it. the old wearer of this got his ripped off and is trapped in the middle of all of time witch means that he is inside of his necklaces. I know it makes no sense but that is what happens to time jumpers when they lose there necklace. so far I have not lost mine yet. well not yet at least. that is what my old man said before he got old some how and died. he gave me one thing. and it is a key to a safe or a where house. but that dose not matter. i get up and walk out of the library. i think of the people that have huge grudges against me, then if they are alive or not. and only two come to mind. the two people are an eighty year old guy that had almost taken over the world and a twenty year old boy who has a ton of robot body parts and he is super rich. i think for a bit and then start walking to the rich robot mans house. his name is victor riggy. before i get there i go stop at my hidden armory. but none of the weapons kill. but they don't kill unless i want them to. i call them pulse pistols. i take one and put a silencer on it then grab my plus gun. as i was walking there a guy dumped in to me. i thought it was nothing so i just look at the guy as he walked by and he had a gun. i made it look like i didn't see the ozi horribly hidden. once the guy got to the stop sing i started to sprint. as i got to the end of the street i felt a sharp pain in my back. i got shot. i fall to my knees and try to do some thing. i think of so many different things that i cant do. but i remember one thing i can do. time jump. i squeeze my hands in to fist and look straight up. a blue circle of energy pops up around me and it shoots straight up in to a blue energy cilender and i disappear.

I open my eyes and see every thing that just happened. I look all around me And see the blue energy showing me what happened. I get off my knees and stand up. I open my hands and the energy disappears. I look up and see the guy walking past me. I know what to do know. I take out my plus gun, spin around, and shot the man twice in the back. The man collapses to the ground. I sprint over to where he lays and kick the ozi away from him I pat his ankles, hip, and waist to see if he Has any more weapons. I find a folding knife that has a huge blade and a lock to keep it in place. I take it from him and put it in my pocket.

"Thanks for the knife" I say to him then knock him out with a plus shot to the head. I made sure that no one saw what just happened. Then ran away back to my house. Because I guess I for got I was goin to the rich guy house .

As I got closer to my house I saw 2 black SUVs pull up in front of my apartment ( I brought 2 and broke down the wall that separated them. ) I sneak over to the corner of the apartment building. I reach down to my air Jordan's and pull out the knife and get ready to follow the men. Right before I go to follow them I get a text. I rip the phone out of my pocket. I look at the text and see that it is from my girl friend. At first I thought she was causing at me then I looked at the text and it said. We need to talk meet me at your place. My eyes open up wider then the sun. I put the phone away and I silently sneak up to the door. I see one of the men on the lobby floor, right when he faced the other way I opened the door, sprinted over to the man. I think the man heard one of my foot steps. he turns around and i take my knife out and jump. the knife go's in to the middle of his ribs. i put my hand on his head and break his neck.

I see that he has a silenced gun on him I take it off of him and head up the stairs. I see a guy on the third floor he is guarding the door. I decide that I will do the right thing this time. When the guy turns around I shoot him in the back and watch him fall to the bottom floor. I sprint up to the hall where my room is. I see a guy and he is looking right at me. I point the gun at him and I am all out of bullets.

The man puts his gun down and takes off his jacket and says.

" let's do this like true men"

I shrug my shoulders and put my fist up. The man runs towards me. And he is going faster and faster. Once he gets close to me I punch him in the gut, roll over his back, elbow him in the neck, and take my knife out and stab him in the back. the man falls over bleeding out. i kick down the door and see my girl friend and she dose not know what happened. 

" what took you so long........." she says and sees the blood on me. 

i smile and tell her to take the fire escape and get in her car and meet me at her place. she nods and dose as i say. i here a cop siren and look at my girl. i run over and grab her arm. she looks at me with her amazing green eyes. i kiss her and tell her she will never see me again. her eyes grow big and starts to cry a little bit. i let go of her and make a fist and squeeze tight. the energy column shoots up and when it is gone so am i. my girl friend starts crying hard as i am not there any more for ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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