Random romance~Harry Styles fanfiction

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Today was the worst day of my life.I usually go round school with people saying stuff to me or pushing me over but today was different.

I usually get dressed in the toilets for P.E but they arent aloud anymore so I had to get changed with all the other girls in my year.so as i was getting changed the room went almost silent.I wondered why as the girls here never shut up but still, i turned around to see everyone staring at me and whispering to eachother.at that point i remembered i was just in my bra and pants.my body was covered in cuts all the way up both of my legs and my arms and my wrists and stomache.

I was just hoping they wouldnt notice it as nobody looks at me anyway but they had.Suddenly a girl shouted out "THATS CALLED ATTENTION SEEKING, OMG YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH DARCY"all the girls started laughing and saying stuff about me being an attention hoar and the only reason i did it was because boys didnt like me.but this was not true. (I have self harmed since i was 12.That was when my mum had died in a car crash but no one at school knew.I had no way of coping with my depression and my dad was always working so i felt like it was my only option to feel something.)

I quickly grabbed my uniform and rushed to put it on. I couldnt stand the comments anymore. i ran out the door but a few girls took the oppitunaty to follow me out of school and carry on shouting.





luckily the shouts and laughter became distant and i was left running to my house.My dad was still at work in another country(America I think) so I was left alone with the nanny.I wasn't aloud to be alone as i was only 16 and dad still thought i was a little child but i didnt mind.My nanny was called Ann.She was beautiful and very funny and my dad only hired her a while back.

But Ann was out and left a note saying she wouldnt be back till 6:00pm and it was only 3:05pm.

I felt stupid for letting them get to me but i also felt stupid and shameful of what i had done to myself.I looked in the mirror of my bathroom but it wasnt the old me staring back. it was this blonde pale skin girl that looked like me but she looked sad and drained and depressed.

I went to my bedroom as it was the only place i felt safe.I grabbed my laptop from under my bed. I didnt have twitter or facebook as i feel judged enough at school so i didnt need anymore through the internet.

The only website i went on that i have used for years now was called "WeWillGetThrough.com"It sounds like a pointless website but it has helped me alot.Its like a social network but all the people on here like to help eachother through hard times. I found it after my depressive phase about three years ago. I logged onto my account "brightsidegirl" and looked down my timeline.

I felt really low and i just needed someone to talk to so i put up a status saying "well today has been a struggle,just feel abit down.Does anybody feel like talking about anything random?"

I didnt think i would get anything so i put my music on and started reading my book but then i got a message.

"happyharry:hey there love.I have read your status and wondered if you are still up for that random conversation?:).xx"

i put my book down and smiled reading the message.No one usually talks to me on this but everyone is a stranger on this so theres bound to be some people messaging me sometimes.

"brightsidegirl:Hi! yeah I would love to talk.What do you want to talk about:)?xx"

Almost immediatly i got a message back

"happyharry:hmm,well lets start with the basics.xx"

"brightsidegirl:basic information,i could do that.My name is Darcy, I am 16 and i live in England.you?xx"

"happyharry:I love the name Darcy!:D well anyway,my name is Harry and i am also 16 and live in England.xx"

i seemed to be able to have a simple conversation with him.

We ended up talking all for the rest of the day and till i went to sleep.He was so down to earth. i found out he was just moving to another school with his mum and dad but i didnt know which school.I also found out he liked reading and watching movies.He was single and as he put it"ready to mingle" which made me laugh.we exchanged numbers and last names.Mine was Days(yes I know how funny Darcy Days sounds,I was bullied for that aswell as many other things) and his was Styles.Harry Styles' picture on his profile for "WeWillGetThrough.com" and he was not bad looking at all.I was suprised he wanted to talk to a girl like me with tangled blonde hair and pale whit skin covered in freckles with cloudy greeny blue eyes.

Luckily it was friday though so i didnt need to go to that hell hole of a school with judgemental girls and boys talking about me and shouting stuff in my face.


What do you think??This is my first proper fanfiction so sorry if its not that good.my spelling may be bad as i am not the best but i hope you like it!! thanks loves.xx

follow me on twitter @unlimitednev

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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