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  • Dedicated to You awesome readers <3

There was a lot of explaining to do for Mr. Tuscan and Ms. Lenna when the building completely collapsed into rubble. Thankfully though, everyone else had gotten out safe. Marco and Ray were standing with Monica, helping her walk down the street to call a cab.

Our whole situation was quite unrealistic if you ask me; it sounds like some type of book someone would be reading, or a video-game. Something like that just doesn't seem like it could actually be my life.

We were on a plane again now waiting for it to leave the airport in Boston. It was time for us to go back to the school and just hope something like this didn't happen again in my lifetime. I really needed a break from all the crazy mojo that came with these stupid powers in the first place. Although, now that I think about it, my powers aren't stupid at all; they're a part of me now.

The moon was high in the sky when we finally took off; it was full and shining a brilliant white across the sky. Such a beautiful thing that things such as this in nature never know pain as well as humanity.

"Thinking again?"

I was startled out of my reverie by Ty who sat to my left. Monica was sitting to my right, sleeping sound as a baby.

I smiled. "A little..I guess. I just can't believe that this is finally over, you know? I feel like I should still be hunted or something along those lines."

"Well, let's hope that doesn't happen anytime soon, okay? Let's chill out and relax for a while before things go crazy again."

Laying back and relaxing? Sounded inviting enough. I was tired of running and worrying about myself and my friends. It definitely was time to just go with the flow and live.

The buzzing of the plane along with the view of the night sky outside the window was very calming, serene-like.

"What are you gonna do when we get back to the school?" he asked me.

I thought for a moment.

"Honestly? Sleep. For an entire week. Without any interruptions. Or stupid vision things." I hadn't had any peaceful sleep in a while, ever since this whole fiasco started.

"You have all the time in the world now. But when we get back, sometime this week I'm taking you on a date."

My cheeks flushed at his abruptness, but I pulled myself together before he could notice my surprise. "You just decided this? Who says I'll even agree to it?"

He must have sensed my sarcasm because before I knew it, he was leaning over me, brushing his lips against me.

I practically yelped, but stopped myself before I jumped out of my seat. I didn't pull away immediately, my lips molded to the shape of his.

He pulled back with a smirk. "I think you just answered your own question."

Ah, he tricked me then.

"Whatever. It's just one date I guess." Ty smiled at me as I said this, but I turned my head to try and fall asleep.

Then it really sunk in; we were safe. Actually safe and most of us unharmed. And now I could live slightly more normal than I have been lately with my friends.

I might be weird and abnormal; my powers proved to be just that. But even if I am a bit of a mind freak, my friends still accepted me and helped me throughout this entire journey, no matter how difficult it became.

I might be a mind freak, but that's sure as hell okay with me.


I would just like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who stuck around faithfully even with my crazy sporadic updates. Thank you so much for reading/commenting/voting on this story, because it got so much more attention than I ever thought it would.

So, once again, THANK YOU.  <3

Please check out my other story that I'm writing, The Calling!

Thank you :D


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