Chapter 2- Hillside Academy

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A/N: Hey guys! New chapter here, so please give me feedback because it really helps me to fix my mistakes and become a better writer :D please vote! please and thanks :)


The ride on the plane went smoothly after that little mishap, I guess. It went by fast, and now I was on the ferry that was supposed to be taking me to my own personal Hell. I know other people might just say "Come on, tough it out! You can do it!" But no.

It's not that simple.

I had my suitcase next to my feet on the ferry, so that nobody would get any ideas about stealing it or anything. Not that I had anything worth stealing, but you could never be too careful.

I was trying to keep my mind off of that vision I had, that it was just some really weird, extremely accurate coincidence, because that was definitely not normal for any regular seventeen year old girl. I finally passed off on myself that it could happen to anybody, some weird case of a psychic power or something like that.

But in my gut, I knew it wan't true. I knew that it was connected to what went down in my old school when I was expelled. I just wonder if anyone would believe me, even though I know that the odds would be against me.

I sighed, and lightly tapped my fingers against the railing I was leaning on. I really wish I had my ipod... I thought to myself.

That boy I met, Nathan, probably thought I was some freak now too. I hadn't seen him on the plane, but I knew he was there because we were going to the same place. I couldn't really blame him for not wanting to see me, especially after my little episode.

It would have been nice to have a friend there on my first day.

Instead I would be all by myself, the little loner I've always been.

I closed my eyes, trying to focus my mind on something other than that stupid place when I felt a couple taps on my left shoulder. I turned, and saw a girl a little shorter than I was, with auburn colored hair that fell in waves to her shoulders. She had dark green eyes, and a smooth, tan complexion. She was real pretty, and made me feel a little self conscious...

"Hey. I'm Monica! " she said excitedly, extending her hand out toward me in a friendly gesture. I returned her handshake, and smiled tentatively.

"I'm Aubrey," I said plainly, a little nervous at this new encounter. Like I've mentioned, I've never had real friends, so I didn't exactly know how to interact with people all that well sometimes.

"That's a really cool name. I just wanted to say though, that I think you're one of the prettiest people I have ever seen!" she exclaimed, and giggled.

"What? Me?" I laughed nervously. No one ever compliments me on anything, so this was a first for me.

"Yes! You have insanely pretty eyes, and your hair is just amazing," she told me, trying to hide her embarrassment.

My eyes were a baby blue color that really stood out with certain clothes I wore, but I never thought they were that amazing. My hair was a dark brunette color, and fell down straight to the middle of my back. Even if it looked okay just like that, a lot of the times I wore it up in a messy bun or a ponytail, or something of that nature.

She was still waiting for me to say something in response, as I deciphered if she was being truthful with me or not. I concluded that she was being earnest, since she hadn't laughed at me or anything.


"Um... thanks, I guess," I said lamely, and sighed to myself.

"So, where are you headed?" she asked me, apparently being the type who asks twenty questions. I debated whether I should tell her or not because she seemed so nice! What if she thought I was some freak who needed to be locked in a mental institution?

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