Chapter 10: Unscripted

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Chapter 10:



The following day there was a mainly Raw based house show in the Hudson Valley area of New York. They thought nothing of Zeb and Jack, they were out of sight and out of mind. Until the house show happened.

Roman Reigns had a match with a guy from the NXT roster. He faced off against Taylor Rounda going by the better known name Bo Dallas.

As usual Seth and Dean were at ringside to support their fellow team member. The match was a booked match for Roman to win, so they expected it to run smoothly. Dean managed to get her front row seats near the ring and the entrance ramp.

Jack Swagger's music played in the middle of the match causing it to come to a grinding halt. Zeb and Jack proceeded to stand right next to Ria and watch the match. Dean kept an eye on the both of them.

"Hey ignore that asshole, Roman needs us." Seth reminded Dean, but it didn't persuade him.

"Roman can fight, Ria doesn't stand a chance."

"Don't let him distract you like that, that's how we'll fall apart, keep it together."

Roman connected the spear knocking Bo off his feet and down for the three count, much to the relief of each Shield member.

"Your boyfriend is in a very impressive team." Jack commented to Ria while applauding Roman's win.

"Why are you even talking to me?" She asked nervously.

"Just making friendly conversation."

"Bullshit! You told me to get out because I'm filth the other day!"

"We got off on the wrong foot." Zeb chimed in like the little worm that he is. Dean hurried over to Ria's side, he lifted her over the guard wall away from the audience.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked with a fire in his eye.

"Just wanted to see your friend Roman show off in a single competition. We'll be leaving now." Zeb said and they left as the crowd jeered and booed.

* * *

They spent the following day at Niagara Falls, Ria hoped to spend some time there but knew the chances were slim due to scheduling. They're a lengthy drive away from the city and where their house show locations would be for the next few days. Dean canceled his plans to spend time with her and get her away from Jack and Zeb. He hasn't stopped apologizing for what happened at the house show, even though Ria moved on from the incident the previous night.

"Hey, if you want to go home, I won't make you stay here."

"Are you crazy why would I go home?"

"Because of Jack and Zeb, I can't stand knowing I might be out in a match and they're terrorizing you backstage."

"They won't terrorize me backstage, I've made friends with people who could eat them for lunch."

"And then there's Fandango."

She punched his arm with all her strength, but it hardly affected him.

"Jack and Zeb just have bad timing. If they'd done it while Alberto was around, he'd have kicked their faces into their skulls. I won't let them scare me away with ease."

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