Chapter 16: confronted

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A pirate shoved a pile of clothes into Talon's arms, and into my arms, a black bandana, a cotton shirt and a pair of boots.

They pushed us into the room behind us, and locked the doors. "Dress up!" One of the pirates barked from the other side. I put on the bandana to cover my crown area, and fussily threw on the cotton shirt. The boots were two sizes too big so I could just step into them, and the itchy threads inside made them nearly impossible to wear without socks.

I turned around and practically fell in love. Talon looked like a true pirate captain with a leather coat and hat. He winked at me reassuringly. "We're done!" He said to the crew. The door unlocked and we were yanked out again.

A pirate grabbed me before I could react and slammed me onto the mast. Talon was pushed onto it next to me, and in seconds we were completely tied.

"Seems like playing hero didn't work out so well now did it, Talon?" Doctor Claw spat at Talon. My fists were clenched so tight that my knuckles turned white. I wasn't afraid of this man. I was furious.

"How dare you! How can you betray your own nephew like that after all he's done for you?" I didn't hold anything back. I was unleashing all of my anger.

He turned his attention to me, and slammed his hand onto the mast next to me. "You forget, sweetheart. He was the one who ran away, who betrayed my trust." He said with his horrible breath blowing against my face.

"I betrayed you?! Hah! Who's the one who started beating me up for no ruddy reason?" Talon shouted, regaining Claw's attention. "You were starting to annoy me. You failed every single mission I sent you on. I had to teach you some way or another!"

"Oh! By kicking me in the stomach? By punching my face? I was loyal to you! I followed your instructions everyday until all those nights you beat the living lights out of me because I was your damn punchbag! And let's not forget who's bloody plans were so ridiculous that they never worked, and I had to take the blame!"

"ENOUGH! Boys, untie these two. You can do whatever you like to the boy. I would like to have a little... Chat with this girl." He said evilly.

"Nuuuh uh I really do NOT like where this is going!" I yelled, viciously trying to rip off my bonds when the crew of bloodthirsty looking pirates came closer to untie the ropes.

Suddenly, a brilliant light flashed from behind them, and my mouth dropped open in shock.

Grey coat

Silly hat

Gloved hands

And black shoes.

Before me, stood the idiotic, robotic uncle that I've known longer than I can remember.

"Uncle Gadget!" I screamed. He turned around and smiled. "Ello Penny!" He said. "What the-" one of the pirates yelped as he turned around to see the strange man behind him.

"Get 'im!" Another pirate cried and they all charged at him. Uncle Gadget smirked like this was his favourite game. "Go go gadget punchgloves!" He shouted and his gloved hands turned into red punchgloves that smacked all the pirates in their faces.

He quickly came to untie us. "How did you get here?" I asked. "I have a built in time travel device! I sensed a disturbance in the time space continuum, and I knew that someone was messing with time." He replied and cut us free. "But... How?" I pressed on, still confused.

"Easy! I just say: Go go gadget Time machine and then- oh no..." He said before realising that he accidentally activated it again. A tiny blue telephone box popped out where his brain should be, and it started glowing along with the rest of him.

"Penny! Listen to me! If Claw returns to the present, all will be lost! He must die here!" He said quickly before glowing completely white and then fading away.

I had to think really fast to consume his words. "He must die here!" The words kept replaying over and over in my head. I turned towards my partner, his last family member. He was looking at me too. "Talon, I-"

"It's okay, princess. I know what I have to do, and I'll get it done." He replied with a face that was masked from emotions. Just then, the so-called "captain" of the ship came out of his cabin, obviously surprised to see us free from our bonds and the whole crew knocked out.

His surprised face became an icy and menacing glare once he turned to Talon. His cold smile grew as he unsheathed his sword. Talon unsheathed his as well.

"It's about time you die, boy." He spat. The crew started waking up at this stage. A lantern dropped and set fire to the deck, but everyone was too busy fighting to realise it, let alone put it out.

"Not as dead as you are, old man!" Talon threw back with a cocky smirk. They ran towards each other, releasing war cries as they went. Their swords clashed, and the final battle had begun.

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