Chapter 24: Mission accomplished

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"By the power invested in me, I now promote agent Penny and agent Talon, to senior agents. Congratulations." The whole room clapped as Captain Johnson pinned on our badges.

It was two days after we arrived at San Francisco, when Captain Johnson called us up. He told us to dress in our military uniforms and come to the general assembly at six o'clock. We had no idea what was about to happen.

We were running down the halls, since it was 5:59 and we had about thirty seconds to get to the general assembly. "Crap. We're gonna be late!" I hissed beside Penny. "Not on your life!" She gritted through her teeth and broke into a sprint, which was surprising since she was wearing high heels. I followed her lead and started running as fast as I could.

With five seconds to spare, we burst into the auditorium, panting. The whole agency turned to look at us. "Ah! Agents, please come to the front. We were almost worried you'd be late." Said our captain, speaking from the microphone.

I felt like a deer caught in headlights, with all of the agents eyeing us like hawks. Following Penny, we hurried to the front and filled the two empty seats next to the platform.

The old captain cleared his throat and started with his speech. "Friends, colleagues, today we stand here, proudly presenting the outstanding achievement of two of our youngest agents. These two were given a very delicate mission of recovering a time machine, that was unfortunately created by the enemy's scientists.

In an unexpected turn of events, they were sent 400 years back in time. As you all know, that was when this agency was first established. According to agent Talon's reports, the enemy planned to erase the existence of the agency by wiping out our forebearers. Our agents effectively foiled their plans, and saved the agency.

"Agents, please stand." He said and we stood up obediently. "By the power invested in me, I now promote agent Penny and agent Talon, to senior agents. Congratulations." He said and the whole room clapped as he pinned on our badges.

As the room cleared out, he stopped us for a word. "You two are relieved for a one week holiday, as a reward for your mission's success. Here are the tickets. Your holiday location is at an Hawaiian island. You deserve it." He said and handed us the tickets. "Thank you, sir." I replied.

That same night, we packed our bags, boarded a plane and left for Hawaii.

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