my name is sam.

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The night of October 25th, 1995 is the night my life changed drastically

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The night of October 25th, 1995 is the night my life changed drastically. Once upon a time, I lived a normal, happy life. I went to school, hung out with my friends, had both of my parents in my life and watched over my two younger siblings. How a kids life is supposed to be. And then, my world came crashing down on me.

I was 7, my brother Shane was 5 and my other brother Sebastian had just turned 1 five days before. It was around 9:00 p.m and we were already settled in bed since me & Shane had school in the morning. He was fast asleep by 9:30 in his bed beside mine. I on the other hand was wide awake. I didn't know why I just couldn't seem to fall asleep. My mouth began to get dry from just staring at the ceiling and counting sheep so I decided to go into the kitchen for a glass of water.

As I was walking down the stairs, I heard a man's voice coming from the living room. Of course thinking it was my dad, I decided to go and bother him. Even though he would've been mad at the fact that I was still up, he wouldn't deny me. I was a daddy's girl.

As soon as I made it to the living room it felt like my eyes would pop out my socket and my jaw hit the floor. I thought maybe since I was tired my eyes were playing tricks on me so I pinched myself and rubbed my eyes to make sure it was real, and it definitely was.

My sweet beautiful mother's big brown eyes were staring up at me as she layed motionless on the now bloody white carpet. Her nightgown was bloody. Her face was bruised. Then, there was The Man. Standing over my mothers dead body, staring at me with those cold blue eyes.

"I'm sorry."

That's all the man said. And then, he ran out the door and took off into the night. Still in disbelief and shock, I ran over to my once beautiful mother, held her head in my arms and cried. That's when I heard my dad's gigantic feet coming down the stairs.

"Sevyn what's going o-," I looked up and watched as he stopped dead in his tracks once he saw the horrific sight of his now dead wife and terrified daughter.

"No, no, no, NOOOO! NOT MY BABY! Sweetheart please wake up!," my dad rushed to us and took her away from me.

"Samantha call 911 NOW!"

I immediately obeyed what he said, no longer wanting to see my mother in that state.

As me, Shane, my dad and Sebastian, who was in my arms, sat on the porch together in silence, bunched up in the blankets that the police gave us, we watched the ambulance take my mothers body away. Me and my dad looked at each other, staring into each others hazel and teary eyes. Neither of us knowing what to do or say.

Saying "everything will be okay" would be a lie. We knew it wouldn't. I didn't know what the future held for us now that we lost the person that held us together. I wouldn't know who the person was that hurt the person we loved the most. I didn't even know how much it would affect each our lives for the good and the worse. Especially mines. My name is Sam, and this is my story.

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