To be honest I'm kind of pissed off right now. I'm in not in any type of mood to talk to you, but I'm going to because I have something to get off my chest. Here's the thing I can't tell you anything though. I would get in trouble because I go to a catholic school, and I would be looked down upon for stating my opinion. Isn't that messed up that a bunch of sexual stuff in our generation is okay, but stating our own opinion is looked down and isn't acceptable. Yeah I think it is messed up. It doesn't matter what you do or what you say, you're being watched and you're being judged. Everyone is judged, it seems like nowadays no one gets a second chance. I give countless of second chances to everyone, and my sister asks why are you still friends with this or that person. I say because I love my friends, and just because they do one bad thing doesn't make them a bad person. Ugh this has been in my head forever. I don't know what I'm saying here. I guess I'm letting off steam about something that happened earlier today. You know, one of my friends talking crap about a part of my personal life that he shouldn't do. He was talking about my girl. There's a huge long story as to why this is happening, but I've been taking his insults for a long, long time. Plus she's my girl, I should be protecting her. I wouldn't be anywhere close to happy without her, and some people tend to forget where I really was and where I am now. Before, yeah I was in this depression, but now I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. Not only because of her, but also because I'm not worrying about the bad. There's no reason to. Always think of the good. Okay that's my rant/talking to myself for today. Be your own role model and dream big. AND I'LL SEE YOU NEXT TIME IN MY CRAZY AWESOME SARCASTIC WORLD. SEEEEEEE YA LATER!!