Chapter 1: Caution

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Sunflowers have always been my favorite flower. Not because they remind me of the sun, but there's something so magical about them. Growing up, no matter how bad my day was, just holding that magical, delicate, flower always dissolved any negative thoughts I had. When I liked a boy I could always rely on them for advice. I know it sounds a bit childish, but someone once told me that, "If we can't enjoy the little things in life, then we don't really know how to enjoy it."

"Shh, here she comes!"

"Everybody get down and stay quiet?"

Taking out my keys I try to balance my groceries while unlocking the door to my apartment. "Damn door!" Giving up I put the bags down on the ground. I shove the key in the lock with just enough pressure to work. Leaning against the door with one foot on the right corner, I twist the knob and push with just enough force to get the door open.

"Need help Crystal?" My kind neighbor Julie asks from across the hall with concern in her big, green, eyes.

"Oh no thank you I've got it thank you."

She gives me a kind, skeptical, smile and nods. Putting her key in her door she turns around and slowly opens her door.

Turning back around I smile and say, "Oh Julie I almost forgot-"

"Happy Birthday!" Before I could finish my sentence, a whole chorus of voices sing from her apartment.

I whispered to myself,"Uh Happy ... Birthday." Too distracted by all the noise she doesn't notice my meek congratulations and closes the door behind herself yelling sincere thank you's. Shrugging I turn back around and enter my small apartment. I feel on the wall next to the door to find the light switch. "Ah ha." I flick it on. Nothing happens. Flicking the switch again, I curse myself for forgetting to pay the light bill. Again. Taking out my not-so-smart phone I use the light from the small screen to find my candles. Walking past my answering machine I see a small, green, l.e.d number seven flashing on the small box.

After clicking the speaker button, the automated female machine speaks aloud. "You have seven messages."

I snort at the irony,"You don't say?"

The machine continues as if it were ignoring my snotty commentation. "Message number one received at 12:00 am on 4/14/12, from number 770-922-0018."

Immediately recognizing the number, I roll my eyes and wait for the familiar beep.

The machine beeps. The recorded voice, like always, sounds desperate. "Crystal baby I'm sorry alright. I was angry and I shouldn't have said what I said." The recorded voice sighs. "Please baby just give-" Before the message is over I press the red delete button.

The automated voice returns,"Message deleted. Message number two received at 9:30 am on 4/15/12, from number 404-431-951."

A short, clipped tone, recorded voice says,"Crystal it's your mom give-" I press the delete button again.

"Message deleted. Message number three, received at 12:17 pm on 4/15/12, from number 678-907-1247."

"Hello uh, my name is Peter Williams. I'm a friend of Jessica's. She showed me your Facebook ad for a roommate. If you're still interested my number is 678-907-1247. Once again my name is Peter Williams and my number is 678-907-1247. I'm free whenever...not that I'm unemployed or anything. I um have a job and-" The voice lets out a nervous sigh. "Anyway just give me a call."

The rest of the messages continue while I look for my candles. "Aha!" I fish them out from one of my cabinets under my sink. Pulling out the matches from my supplies drawer I quickly light the multicolored candles.

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