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( Asters pov)

" Hey call me when you get back maybe we could do this again in a bed next time" the blonde said kissing me on the cheek. what was her name again. lacy, Gracie no no thats the other one I looked down at the paper she handed me. Jessie welp I was close enough. I walked outta the closet we were in and made my way over to sit back by Bobby. She looked so adorable like a little 5 year old in her scooby doo pj bottoms and tanktop her dirty blonde hair down around her shoulders.

I taped on her shoulder to tell her the plane was boarding. the look on her face as she looked up at me could only be described as a scowl.

" Had fun?" she asked rasing an eyebrow.

Was she jealous? No she couldnt be, she can barely stand me.

"Tons lets go their boarding the plane" I went to grab her carry on but she snatched it away.

"I got it your probly too tired from fucking the girl to carry it anyway." and with that she walked to the flight attendant me following close behind her. When we got to the seats she was trying to put her bag in the overhead compartment but being only about 5'4 she coldnt reach it.

" I could help you" I smiled but she just scuffed at me I looked down at her shoving her bag into the compartment. "what the hell is your problem"

she seemed taken back for minute then blushed looking down. "im sorry its just I get so scared when flying. " she looked up at me through her long lashes. Damn did this girl even know how fucking cute she is?

I put my hands on her waist moving her so I could take the window seat. She sat down next to me and tried to put her seat belt on. I reached over buckling it for her.

I handed her some vicoden that I had planed on taking.She looked at me raising her eyebrow again. "vicoden should put you out most if the flight might make you a little loopy if youve never takin it before"

She smiled making my heart jump. Wtf heart jump. must be the weed I smoked before coming here. yea thats it.

"Thanks" she swallowed the pills seeming calmer already as the plane slowly began to lift off.


We had been in the air for about 45 minutes I had thought bobby had fell asleep but then I heard a soft giggle then someones fingers in my hair. I turn to look at a grinning bobby. I guess the pills kicked in considering she looked extra loopy right now, her smile slightly lopsided.

"you know aster I understand how you get so many girls "giggle" and guys . Your really cute" she smiled as I frowned at her no one calls me cute. "I am not cute im sexy"

"no your cute" she fake pouted at me laying her head on my shoulder and snugling into me. I hated cuddling but I really didnt mind her wraped around me like this. "hmm cute andd cuddly" she said into my arm I smiled if anyone else tryed to do that or even said that I would've beat them but when she did it.. it felt right

holy shit what was this girl doing too me?

I no edit these chapters my bad but hey its getting late so enjoy:)

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