2: Devils

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++ Change POV

--- Small Timeskip

++ *Naruto 1st POV*

Well this was going to be interesting. I haven't trained in 80 years and all my chakra is gone, so I'll have to defeat this strange wing lady with taijutsu only. Wasn't all chakra and magic eradicated from this world though? It didn't make sense to me. Isn't the age of jutsu's and battles with dragons gone?

"He can't be killed?" The winged lady's eyes narrowed in anger. "Why is that?"

I grinned. "Because I won't let you kill him" I replied.

Her face twisted in anger. "I don't think you understand what is happening right now, so I will give you one chance to leave"

"Yeah, about that...I don't think I really wanna leave" I shrugged. "You were obviously going to kill him so I can't just stand by and watch as you kill an innocent while I have the power to stop it"

Damn, I'm gonna get killed one day by doing this.

"Fine then" The winged lady said, smiling evilly. "Let's see how long you last!" A light spear appeared in her hands and she threw it at me. Unfortunately for her, I'm not Issei so I don't really fancy staying in one spot as a lethal spear made of light is being thrown at me.

I jumped and rolled away from the spear which hit the spot where I previously was on. I stood up and quickly flicked out two kunai which traveled like a bullet towards the angel lady. She just barely dodged it, but did that mean she was getting a break? Hell no.


The explosion from the explosion tags on the kunai, blasted her away and she tumbled on the hard ground, burnt from the fire. I quickly ran with high speeds and attempted to slash at her with my kunai, but she flew up in the sky again. This time she was angry. Like really angry. I really need to stop my habit of pissing people off.

"YOU FUCKER!" She screeched. Soon she was throwing spears one by one as I dodged them. Each one that missed, was a little bit more closer than the one from before, as I was getting tired from all the running and dodging. You would think that I would have more stamina, but my chakra is gone. That was the main power that helped me throughout my battles and now that I didn't have it, it was getting kinda hard dodging dozens of light spears every few seconds.

I quickly tied some string to some of my kunai and threw them at her. She dodged them easily. "You couldn't ever hit me with that again" She taunted. "What were you trying to do with it? Hi-" I quickly moved my fingers and soon, the angel lady found herself trapped and tied up in string.

"What the hell?!"

"Alright!" I said. "Time to go down!" I yanked the struggling girl down with what was left of my strength and she slammed into the pavement below. I quickly swooped in for the kill but suddenly...I couldn't feel anything. It was like I went numb from the waist down. I looked down and saw the angel lady piercing me with a spear in the chest, a desperate look in her eyes.

I coughed out blood as the spear dissipated, dropping me to the floor with blood pooling around me.

"I admit, you are pretty strong for a human, but this is the end for you" She said, smirking.

Dammit! I was so concentrated on getting a slash in with my kunai, I didn't even notice her arm creating a spear. I stared at her retreating form as she walked to the shocked Issei. Sure I didn't have that much of a happy ending, but at least I know I went down trying to protect an innocent. I'll soon be seeing you Erza. Sasuke. Nami. Guys... just wait for me!

My vision started to dim as I laid on the ground. I couldn't even feel anything anymore. Was this really how people felt when they died?

++ *3rd POV Rias*

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