Not Alone

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*Both moaning*
(Becca's POV)
I don't know why I've never seen that cave before I've been in that area like a thousand times.Where am I?
"I'm going to go exploring if you don't mind"
"Fine whatever I don't care but I'm coming with you incase you actually find something"
*15 minutes of exploring later*
"Look!" They both said at the same time.
"What did you find?"
"A squirrel!" She said with a smirk on her face.
"Well I found berries"he explained as he was about to put it in his mouth.
"Wait,it could be poisonous give it to the squirrel"
Caden placed it on the ground close to the squirrel.It looked at it curiously then it squealed extremely loud.
"Ow, I didn't know squirrels could do that!"
A melody started to be played on a trumpet.
"I swear I've herd that song before"
They hear footsteps from the distance.
"Hi I'm dexin,follow me"
"Huh?"they both replied.
"Wait where are we and where are we going"
"I'll explain more to you guys later but all you should know for now is that we're in the danger zone and where we are going is the only safe zone we've found so far"
(Caden's POV)
This girl is crazy,I bet there isn't even any safe zone but ...I'd rather die trying to find a way to live.
Dexin-just awhile more until we reach the safe zone.
"Can we take a break?"
"Fine go rest by that tree I'll keep guard also here take some water its fresh from the well."
She hands them both a canteen filled with water.They both both took a long sip.
"Ok we should probably start going again are you guys good to walk about another 10 min?"
"Ugh I thought we were almost there"
5 more minutes pass...
"Ahhh!" Screamed Becca.
"Crap!she fell into a totems trap,Caden help me pull her out"
Becca grabbed onto dexin's hand.
"You need to grab onto Caden's hand it's only a matter of time before the totems realize they caught someone"
She grab onto Caden's arm.They both pulled as Becca pushed up against the dirt walls of the hole.Becca finally got out of the hole.
"Thanks"she mumbled breathing heavily.
"Anyways what's a totem?"
Dexin-well it's not really what a totem is its who they are,we call them the totems you know like totem poles because they symbolize something, to us they symbolize guards that try to keep us in one spot to kill us".There is so many different thing's though,basically everything "make belief " is real in this world.Like werewolves,vampires,pixies you name it their all here"
"Uh ok.. Can we start moving its starting to get dark"
They finally arrived at the the "safe zone" which they soon realized was a small town.There were kids running all over the place.The weird thing was everything inside the town was normal nothing unusual or "mystical" .
Dexin-ok so the boy rooms are full so you to will have to share a room but we can bring a cote or something so you don't have to share a bed"
She brought them to their room which had purple walls and white furniture.
"My friend Mandy will get you guys fresh clothes and some food she will also be telling you guys what your job will be.
Mandy came in and placed simple clothes on their dresser she then brought in the cote.
Mandy-Becca what are your interests?
"I love to run and I do it pretty fast to"
"Ok I'll have to run it over with dexin first but you might be abled to be a explorer"
"What do they do?"
"They run in a group of people trying to find new food resources water resources and of corse a way out.Dexin is actually a explorer but she's the leader so she gets to look for newbies."
Mandy-and Caden what do you like to do?"
"It would be awesome if I could be a guard or something"
"Sounds good,you guys should be abled to start tomorrow."
"By the way Becca your never alone here....never"

A/N so here's the second chapter and I made it a little longer that chapter 1.I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I liked writing it.

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