Bittersweet Reunion

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No fucking way.

Nuh uh.


This was NOT happening. 

Standing right in front of me was my one and only mother. My best friend. The woman I haven't seen in so many years. 

Was this real?

"Oh Isabella I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a big hug. I could hear her little sobs that she was trying to hold back. Boy did that ever bring back the wrong kind of memories. 

But I just didn't have it in me to hug her back. 

She noticed and pulled back to look me in the eyes.

"Izzy baby?"

"Don't fucking call me that." I spat, causing both her and Kurt to go tense. 

"Izzy just let me explain honey-" I cut my mother off again.

"No. There is NO way in hell I'm going to let you explain yourself when I already know everything you selfish bitch. You abandoned your own eight year old daughter because you were scared of your psychopathic husband. You didn't even take me with you! Do you have ANY idea how much trauma that caused me and how much abuse I have had to take these past 10 years!? I bet you weren't thinking about me getting my ass kicked in every possible way the night you decided to run away, were you?" My voice was getting louder and louder the more I spoke. I had been holding all of this in for a decade, it was time to let it all out. 

"Izzy babe, calm down, lower your voice darling" Kurt whispered in my ear.

That only made me angrier. "No I won't fucking calm down! This woman wants to act like she's my mother when she's nothing more than an ex stripper who couldn't even get in to a fucking community college!" I knew I crossed the line right then and there. But I just don't think about what I'm going to say before I say it when I'm angry.

At that moment I witnessed something that used to break my heart witnessing. I saw my mother cry. 

I felt bad, but not nearly as bad as I should have.

"Izzy, I know you hate me and you have every right to but I-I just had to see you. I never sh-should have left you and I r-regret it s-s-so much I-" she choked out through sobs. At this moment I was thankful that this cafe was a damn ghost town.

"No save it. I'm way too upset right now for your cookie cutter apology. Let's just go back to pretending neither one of us existed to each other, okay?" I didn't wait for her response, I was already out of the cafe. 

It wasn't long until I heard Kurt calling my name. I didn't look back. I just kept speed walking. I was so angry. SO angry.

"Izzy listen to me!" Kurt raised his voice, catching up to me and pulling at my wrist to get me to turn around.

"Did you fucking set this up!?" I shouted in his face.

"Yeah I did. I know how much you miss your mom. You have nightmares about her often. I know this because you're fucking muttering "mommy" at three in the morning some nights, clutching onto me for dear life." Kurt explained. 

My eyes widened just as quickly as they narrowed. "You bastard! Do you have any idea all the pain that woman caused me?" 

"No, no I don't. But Iz, you need this closure. You need your mom. We both know this. C'mon baby, please do this" he was actually begging me.

"You have no right to do this! You invaded my privacy. How the fuck did you even find her?" I exclaimed. 

"It wasn't easy but people do stupid shit for the people they love" Kurt spoke, exasperated.

Wait, what?

He, he loved me?

At this point my eyes had widened to the size of dinner plates. At least, that is what I assumed. 


"No stop yelling at me okay! I get it! I fucked up! I won't do anything like this aga-" 

I had cut him off by kissing him as hard as I could.  Almost instantly, he kissed me back. All of our emotions pouring into the kiss. 

When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine. 

"I'm so sorry darling for yelling at you. I know you were just trying to help me and I appreciate that so much. It's just that, I've never been good with surprises and you really fucking surprised me baby" I admitted, kinda sheepishly.

This caused a low chuckle to escape his lips. "Yeah I can see that Iz. But I did this for you, and only you. I really think you should get back in there and maybe sit down with your mom for like.. an hour or something and just catch up. Do it for yourself babe, you deserve to be happy." Kurt encouraged me. 

"Do you think she's still in there?" I asked, rather hopeful.

"Dear god I hope so." Kurt muttered, causing me to giggle. He smiled at me and then pecked me on the lips. 

"Go get 'em tiger" he smacked my ass lightly as I went to walk past him. 

"Uhm excuse me? You're coming with me.. tiger." 

We walked back into the cafe to find my mother with her head in her hands, obviously crying.

I took a very deep breath. "Mom?" 

Her head shot up and she looked with hopeful and bloodshot eyes. "Izzy?"

At that point I sat down next to her in the booth and hugged the living hell out of her. I haven't hugged her in ten bloody years so I literally held on for dear life and in that moment, I actually broke down in my mother's arms.

"Bella, I am so so SO sorry" my mother choked out between her sobs. This made me cry even harder. 

"I k-know. I'm sorry for all the things I just said. I-I didn't m-m-mean it, I was just angry" I blubbered like a fucking baby. I think at that point, Kurt slipped out for a smoke, leaving my mother and I to "catch up".

And boy did we ever catch up.

It was nearly three hours later and Kurt was with us for about two hours. Mom really liked him but was completely oblivious to the fact that he wasn't Kurtis Floyd, but Kurt Cobain.

I honestly don't know if I will ever get used to that. 

It was getting a bit late and we decided to say goodbye. Apparently my mom had some night school courses she had to attend to. I was proud of her in that moment. She was fulfilling her dream of becoming an English major. I remember hearing as a kid how she wanted to teach English and/or Ancient History. Dad was never fond of the idea. He believed he was the one that was to work while she would stay at home to clean the house and make meals. 

Fuck. Him.

I hugged my mother goodbye, exchanged numbers, and walked off with Kurt to his car. 

The drive home, I tried not to break down into tears again. I had done far more than enough crying for one day.

"Izzy, you okay?" Kurt asked, well aware I was holding back tears. 

I nodded. "Far more than okay. Thank you so much." 

He grabbed my hand and held it in his the whole drive back to the apartment.

I fucking love this man.

. . .

A/N: Heyyyyooooo.

Dramatic, eh? (I'm Canadian and believe it or not, we do say EH)

AnywEH, comment, vote, follow me, do whatever you must! I'm really trying to wrap up this story. Quite a few more chapters to go though friends, so stick along for the ride.


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