All good things come to an end

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To be blunt, we spent a majority of the day fucking.

After a while and a really long shower, we had to go and pick up our pizza because we really didn't feel like waiting nearly an hour on a stoned delivery boy. 

We were nearly there, thank god. It had taken even longer because Kurt kept fucking around on our walk and eating up time.

I let out a sigh as Kurt shouted "Look Izzy, I'm a ballerina!" He was spinning around on this wooden plank that was a bit off of the ground. I was fighting back a laugh. "Kurt get down" 

"But moooooooooooooooooom" he fake pouted at me, causing me to roll my eyes playfully. 

"Kurt you're being a jackass" I laughed.

"But I'm you're jackass" he winked. Good thing he looked away cause that corny line worked like a charm and I was blushing like an idiot. 

I had honestly never felt this way before. It was so odd but I welcomed it and relished the weird feeling I had inside. Was I in love? I truly believed I was. Had I wrapped the idea around my head that Kurt Cobain was alive and real? No. I still couldn't believe it and more importantly I couldn't believe that he was mine. Me! Of all people! What the hell?

"What's wrong Iz?" Kurt asked, recapturing my attention. 

"Hmm? Oh just overthinking again" I laughed. 

He smiled sympathetically. I had told him not to apologize to me anymore and that it would take me a while to realize that this was real but to be honest I didn't think I was ever going to wake up one day and not be freaked out that he is alive. 

But come on, can you blame me?

Kurt grabbed me gently and spun me into his arms, capturing my lips with his. 

"You're incredible Isabella. I know you hate it when people call you that but your name is so beautiful. Just like you so I'm sorry but dammit you're great and I love you" he spoke and I felt that weird funny feeling again. I knew right then and there that this man was perfect. I needed him to be in my life. There was just no other way. 

"I love you too Kurt" I beamed up at him, making his smile grow. I tucked back a strand of his hair and he leaned in to kiss me. 

But of course, we just had to get interrupted. 

"Izzy?" I heard a slur. That voice sounded way too familiar and way too sad. 

Uh oh.

My eyes looked up and made contact with the man. 

"Dad? What are you doing?" I asked in shock. It was very rare for him to leave the house and I hadn't seen him in some time. He looked weak and way worse than before.

"I decided to go for a uh... uh.. a stroll. And grab a drink or twooo" he slurred with a smile on his face. 

"Shouldn't you be getting home? It's kinda late." I suggested.

"Who are you, my mother?" he chuckled.

"No thank god" I muttered, making Kurt chuckle. I thought we were in the clear until my dad's head snapped up and he was shooting daggers at Kurt. 

"Who the fuck are you and what are you laughing at?!" my dad pointed at Kurt. Shit.

"Nothing man" Kurt replied, putting up his hands in surrender. 

"You think you're hot shit, huh? I'll teach you not to fuck with me!" And before I knew it, my dad had snapped and had taken down Kurt.

"DAD! What are you doing?! Get off of him!" I shouted. 

Kurt was trying his best to block all of the punches, but my dad had already gotten a few in, and Kurt had some scrapes and I saw some blood on his face. 

My screams were useless, as my dad ignored me. But I did not realize that we had drawn a bit of a crowd at this point. 

"Dad please! Stop it, it's not worth jail time again! Get off of him!" I tried to drag him off of Kurt, but his hand flew backwards and smacked me right in the face, making me fall back. 

I heard a few gasps and people murmuring and my dad was next to me to see if I was alright. What an asshole.

Kurt had lifted himself up slightly to check on me. "Izzy, are you alright?" he asked. 

"She is none of your concern you little-" but before my dad could finish his sentence, he locked eyes with Kurt and it was as if all the alcohol had left his system. 

Kurt's beanie had fallen off when my dad had knocked him down and he had forgotten to put his contact lenses in before we left, because we were stupid and completely forgot about them. The small crowd that had formed had just been talking among themselves and were watching all of this unfold. 

And then my dad shouted the words I was really hoping he wouldn't.

"You're Kurt Cobain!" 

. . .

A/N: Wow.

I haven't updated this in over a year or so and just randomly decided to. 


Honestly, this story is pretty fucking weird tbh, I don't know what I was thinking four years ago when I started it. But here's another chapter for all of the people that read and enjoy this story. Yep. All three of you.

I'm gonna try and actually finish this one cause I have a good idea of how I would like to end it.

Thanks for reading! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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