People are different.
They're unique,
And simply
Not one human being
On this planet known Earth
Is exactly the same.
So why
I ask, why
Do these silly creatures
Feel the need to
And turn to death
Others may say
They do not care
But I guarantee you
That someone else does
And them seeing you
Do these things
The sharp agony
Pain that pierces their hearts
Bled open
Because they watch you
Hurt yourself
And they can't stop you
Because their words don't reach you
They open their arms
Willing to take you in
But all you say is
"Thanks, you've helped a lot."
Is a lie
Because you continue to do these things
Over and over
Like an ongoing tape
That no one watches
No one has heard
Until you're gone
They'll listen
They'll watch
They'll care
About you
And another life lost
But only you can prevent others
To cry over your dead body
Your lost soul
An angel that never found its way
Only you can choose life
Or death
Family and friends
Want to save you
So don't push them away
Look the m in the eyes
And seek out the truth
Eyes are doors to the soul
They realize
The truth
And the lies
That hide beneath those emotions
Stay strong
Because you were brought into this world
For one reason
That is to live
Stick around
And find what this life of yours
Have in store for you
Because you are the author
Writing out this story
So don't end it
With one silly little thing
Your life is an unfinished story
That you, yourself, is waiting to see
What happens.
So choose life
And see the rest of your story
Or choose death
And remain an unfinished story, a memory
To never be heard again.
Short Writes
Short StoryShort stories written by the lovley Maggy! Never heard of her? Wha.. ok.. Carry on.