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The beginning of everything stems from a root of excessive loneliness.

"It's bad, huh?"

Aria Montgomery let out a small chuckle, Hanna Marin and Adelaide Hastings also chiming along. While Aria laughed obnoxiously, Emily Fields passed a cup filled with an alcoholic beverage to Spencer Hastings, who ever so slightly took a small sip. All girls present were in fact, tipsy. Their minds were swirling with the buzz alcohol brought along, goofy smiles adorning their faces. Music played in the background, only adding along to the euphoric feel of the night. Spencer finally pulled the cup away from her puckered lips, finding herself letting out a small laugh as well.

Suddenly, the music ceased, leaving an eerie silence in its place. The barn the girls were situated in fell to darkness, causing the five to look nervously at each other. Spencer was the first among them to speak up, but she sounded a bit more frightened than the others. In a squeaky voice that was meant to sound light and airy, she asked, "Whoa, what happened?"

       "It must be the storm," Adelaide provided a lie immediately in hopes of getting the other four to calm themselves. They all stood up, flashlights poised and ready. Aria Montgomery was the first to tiptoe quietly towards the barn's entrance, her pink highlights shining brightly against the flashlight's rays. The barn smelled of must and horse, but the five didn't seem to mind. Through their intoxicated state, they had hardly even noticed that Alison DiLaurentis had yet to show up. It wasn't a surprise to any of them, for Alison was known for her extravagant surprises. The aforementioned flashlight shook lightly as Aria flinched at the sound of creaking. The girls inhaled a deep breath, only Aria exhaling soon after.

"Something's out there."

Aria Montgomery spoke the obvious truth, making Adelaide roll her hazel-colored eyes in annoyance. A few seconds later, the barn door creaked open, a rush of brisk air finding its way into the once-warm barn. Hanna Marin's jaw dropped to the floor, a simple "guys" falling out of her mouth. She all but swallowed her next comment, her eyes following Adelaide and Aria who were walking towards the entrance. The other three soon followed as well, flanking farther behind but still close enough that they could grip onto each other's arm. Aria shone the flashlight directly into the darkness, a sudden crash being heard from the side of the barn. The girls immediately gasped yet again, soon swallowing their fears and continuing to walk towards the entrance. The wind picked up its speed, making Adelaide shiver lightly. Each girl took a small step each second, until finally, Alison DiLaurentis jumped from behind the barn doors, dressed in a frilly yellow top. The girls all screamed in fright, except for Adelaide, who instead smirked at Alison's actions.

"Gotcha!" Alison laughed, a snarky comment about to slip out of her mouth, but instead pushing it back down her throat. The girls rolled their eyes, pretending as if they weren't scared, although Aria looked as if she was in desperate need of a diaper change. Adelaide walked over to Alison, giving the blonde a small hug.

"Well played, Alison. I have to say, you almost got me this time."

       "Don't worry, Addie, one day I'll get you," The blonde teased, a smile curving onto her pink lips. Adelaide rolled her eyes, laughing along with the rest of the four girls, who's heartbeats were still racing at the speed of light. Spencer Hastings was still cursing Alison under her breath lightly, finally speaking up as a way to lighten the mood.

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