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Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

THE APPLE Rose Grille was partially empty at this time of day, the only sounds occasionally piercing through the air was the clink of glasses and small chatter amongst others. One table that wasn't quite particularly as chatty, was where the five queens of Rosewood sat, ignoring each other's lasting gazes and mostly focused on the events that had occurred that day. Adelaide surely didn't want to reminisce on the awkward conversation with Detective Wilden, but she had her concerns about the man that were just begging to be let free. The said girl was used to people prying in her personal life, but this man seemed to be doing much more than just snooping through their files late at night. Adelaide's thoughts couldn't help themselves but wander towards that night, the night where she lost every piece of her humanity and where she lost one of her own. Just as Adelaide was about to speak up in her spot across from Hanna, Aria voiced her thoughts quickly, "Why was Jenna there?"

The five girls all shook their heads in response, no acceptable answers coming to mind. There was no firm answer as to why the aforementioned girl would just leave and then come back just for Alison's funeral. It made Adelaide feel incredibly suspicious, for she knew that although Jenna may seem weak, the brunette girl definitely had some tricks up her sleeve. "I guess she's back," Spencer Hastings finally said from her seat beside her twin, and Adelaide rolled her eyes at her sister's obvious inspection.

Changing the subject almost immediately, as if it was all too much to bear or talk about, Hanna placed her elbows on the table, murmuring lightly, "That cop acted like we were suspects or something."

"Hanna," Adelaide began, "In the eyes of a detective, he believes that everyone involved in the case must have some motive or connection. Just because we know we didn't kill her, doesn't mean he's aware of that. And, anyways, I'm pretty sure we can't bribe him with our cleavage to go away, Han."

All girls cracked a small smile at Adelaide's words before the mood turned back to solemn and grave, no words being spoken as a wave of silence washed over them like a spilling of secrets. Everyone had their own perspectives on the night thins went awry with Jenna, and if it weren't for the practiced monologues they made, Adelaide was positive each girl would have a different story. That would make them look incredibly guilty; but so did having the same story, word for word, and each way made Adelaide feel far too secretive. Emily inhaled a deep breath before saying somberly, "Do you think we looked guilty?"

               Aria's face expression immediately contorted into something unreadable, and her voice quivered slightly as she scolded the Fields girl, "Why would we? We haven't done anything wrong."

Adelaide nearly choked on her drink at Aria's harmless words that held more lies than truths, "Except lie about the whole Jenna thing. Remember that, Aria? Because I sure do," She spoke in a tone that was definitely taken as accusative among the group of girls, and they all shared glances before Spencer leaned into her sister's frame, dismissing her thoughts by whispering hardly, "We promised we'd never bring up the Jenna thing again, remember? It never happened, okay."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Spence," Adelaide paused to take a sip of her lemonade, "But it did happen. And, I can't just forget about what happened, alright? We nearly killed the poor girl, but obviously, we can just put that behind us right? If you've found a way to forget, please let me know, because I'd really like to sleep without that in my mind at night."

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