He's A Wolf!!!

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McKenna's P.O.V🙋

I watched a half naked boy in front of my own two eyes transform into a ginormous pitch black wolf! I'm going crazy.

The creature in front of me started to whimper , he sat on his two back legs and started purring.

I was about to go ballistic. This. Is. Unbelievable. But he still had they same beautiful eyes that made me feel safe. A large part of my brain was telling me to 'GET THE HELL OUT'TA HERE!' But another part told me to lay down there with him.

I could tell he was'nt gonna hurt me, so I did just that, I latex next to him, he purred and rested his head on the top of my stomach.

And then he got up and changed back into a human. Just like that.

I took in his features everywhere from his 8- pack to his biceps. I was sure that I was drooling but I didn't faze him. He put on his pants then shirt and offered me a hand.

I didn't take it right away, I was still in complete shock, but I didn't run. I didn't want to leave him.

"Okayyyy... Will you tell me what all this intails?"

"Okay , well .. I was born this way. Everybody In my pack can do exactly what I just did." A pack is like a big family , but with no relation in blood.

In every pack there's an Alpha. The Alpha is like the king of a village. My dad is the Alpha right now, and one day I will be. But not until I find my mate and mate with her. Then I will be Alpha , and you will be Luna."

"What's a Luna?"

"The Alpha female."

"This can't be right. I'm not a wolf! I'm human!"

"Hhmm. Promise not to freak out?"

" Sure Promise." In his eyes I could tell he was extremely worried about what he was about to say. It was getting me worried myself.

"Okay , well this rarely happens, but when the male mates with the female and Ughhh, marks her , she will become A wolf, but in your case you will be the most beautiful wolf would ever see."

"Why is that?"

"Because a changed wolf is based on the way they look as human. Because you weren't born with an actual wolf you will look almost identical in wolf form. "

"But why would I be beautiful?"

"Because you are now."

And with that he pulled me into his lap to where my legs were wrapped around his waist and he kissed me.


Jacks P.O.V👦

I've never kissed somebody with so much passion in my life. I've kissed alot of girls, but nothing like McKenna. Our lips were in sync and there was no stopping me from holding back. This was pure ecstasy.

Her lips felt like silk, and tasted like apple pie.

I lifted her up holding her by the bottom of her butt, right where her thigh meets, and I carried her out the emergency door. I walked slowly over to the edge of the forest and pulled back panting for air. She looked around and looked shocked to see where we were.

She looked up to me and smirked.

"Why are we out here?"

"I want to show you something."

This forest was on my land so I knew exactly where we were. I picked her up bridal style and and gracefully swung her around so she was on my back. She started giggling like a 5 year old and burried her head into my neck. I started walking when I heard a twig snap. I wasn't gonna freak out my little angel so I slowly turned around on high alert.

When I caught the scent. A rouge? It smelt like pigs a dirty gym sock.

"So Jack you've found your mate?"

"Henry , right now really isn't a good time." Right now McKenna was in front of me holding on to my arm.

"Sooo, I'll leave if you give me that little feisty ball of joy and I'll leave you alone."

"Pshh. Yeah right."

I turned to McKenna who looked like she was about to faint , but she didn't because I scooped her up and started to carry her to the meadow about 3 miles away.

When we finally got there I saw down and watch my beautiful mate sleep in my arms.

She was holding onto me for dear life, but I liked the feeling, something I could get used to.

I took in the meadow , with the pond, the flowers everything. But I couldn't think right knowing that Henry would be after my little Angel the soon as she was In heat.

What a nightmare that will be. Horn-Dogs are gonna go crazy over her! My anger started to pick up just thinking about some sorry ass looser touching my mate.

"Jack what's wrong?"

That sweet little angelic voice ring out my ears, all the anger I had managed to get in 5 seconds was gone in 1.

"What about a date tomorrow night?"


Next Update Will Be On Saturday May 18th. 😊 Hope you enjoyed. And If this story is going to fast for you.. Sorry I do apoligize, I'm just trying to get passed all the awkward ness between them.

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