Your help??

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hey guys should i skip to the moment to the part where she has her babies (skipping months right to the birth?) or should i just like write without skipping the months because i want to write for all the single days but then i don't want to because i want Yoo Ma to have her 'babies'

hehe lol sorry she had to have twins it is just cuter of and two girls or two boys or one boy ad one girl? and any ideas for the next chapter? like i want you guys to come up with the next chapter because i think the next chapter i will rush and i don't want to do that and i want you to enjoy the story so what would you do if you where in Yoo Ma's shoes?

oh and the next thing is who will she end up with like who will she go out with i narrowed it down to kris lay baek or suho please comment for this chapter coz i need your help thanks and i hope you liked this chapter .

and i also nee your help on the guy thing and bts and if she will go to school and stuff plus in that time i will write my other fanfic okie? i have three others i am writing so i should do those so yeah hope you read them and enjoy them.  yeah okie so i hope you help and comment i might not post to give you time and if you don't comment ill just ask ma friend hehe lol but yeah please help i could use it. 

(btw i am not desperate lol but just want your opinion to see how will you like to see Yoo Ma?? like right now i think i won't rush but then tomorrow i will say na i will just rush so yeah what do you want to happen that sounds better what do you want??) 

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