21: What?

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I woke up and looked at the clock near my bed it was 12:30 damn I'm wide awake. I saw baek lying on a bed next to mine. My babies where asleep so I decided to go to Jimin room I remembered his room number. I was walking down the corridor I saw a few nurses doing runs around the hospital. When I saw Jimin room a walked faster then opened his door. The lights where off except for his night lamp. He was peacefully sleeping in his bed. I walked to to him and stroked his hair. "Hi Jimin I'm sorry I was not there for you when you needed me. " I sat on a chair next to his bed and closed my eyes. I felt a pair of lips crash on to mine.

I opened my eyes to see Jimin. I closed my eyes and kissed him and he kissed me back. He back out of the kiss. "are you okie?"jimin patted a seat next to him. i climbed on to his bed and sat next to him. "not really" he pulled me close to him putting his arm around my waist. "why ? what is wrong?" he looked at me. "well it is just that how am i supposed to take care of kids when i have school and -" i choked on my tears. "hey hey" jimin hugged me. "you are going to be great mother and your boyfriend will be a good father" i couldn't say anything  but manages to say  some words."i don't have a boyfriend and their father is gone and i don't him to see my kids" jimin sighed and hugged me tighter. " don't worry im here for you BTS is here for you"i hugged him back as more tears began to flow.

"enough about me what about you jin told me" i loooked into his eyes. my heart began to beat fast really fast. "im okie don't worry" he kissed my forehead."but at least tell me what you have" i looked into his eyes again. "Leukemia" tears rolled down from my face but i looked away fro him not to see them i cried without a word. jimin pulled my chin to face him. "don't worry about me i only just found out that i got it" he cupped my face and wiped my tears away."jimin please on't leave me i only just meet up with you don't go" a tears rolled down his face. "don't worry okie just rest i will stay up til you fall asleep" he pulled my head to lay on his shoulder.

i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

i woke up with a headache. jimin was already up and his friends where here with "baek?" jimin tuned his head to face me. "morning"  i said to jimin. "morning" waved to me. "HELLO YOO MA" all the boys greeted me even baek. "HELLO" i shouted back making the laugh. "hey baek" he waved. "hello" i looked around the room that we were in. "you hungry?" jin asked sitting on the chair next to me. "yes please get me food" jin giggled then got up from his spot and walked out of the room. "jimin when do you get to leave?" i asked looking at him. "today like you" i clapped my hands like a little kid and V and Jungkook did the same with me. the rest giggled and cheered . "oh Yoo Ma" i looked over to baek. "yes?" he was sitting next to rapmoon on a chair in front of jimin and i. 

"i have to go visit my parents they they wanna ask why im not at school and wanna see me before i go to collage" i smiled at him. "okie and which collage did you get into?" his smile faded quickly. "hmm i can't remember but all i know it that it is in London" my jaw dropped open. jimin saw me and lifted my chin back up. "you'll catch a fly" i laughed. "but why baek?" i turned back to him. "they have a great university and im only going for a year" i eye smiled but it also faded because he said. "because we are debuting next year our group is debuting next year that's why they are not here because they are training they will be back in a year too" i was in shock i didn't know what to say. "yeah we are famous at school" he began. "idk why but we just are and ....." his words drifted off. "i'm sorry" he walked out of the room leaving jimin his friends and i. 

"I will go talk to him" rapmon walked out of the room ."what am i going to do?" jimin hugged me tighter. "don't worry you can stay with us and your kids" i smiled. "thank you jimin" all of them began playing games on their phones or talking t each other. jungkook and v were taking selfies suga and jhope were making up a new rap and jin was on his phone. "speaking of kids what are their names?" jimin faced me a little because we were sitting next to each other. "seol ri and my other friends decided on jaywong" jimin clapped his hands cutely. "i wanna see them" he pouted. "hey why don't you just move Yoo Ma into this room because i just herd the doctor say that you have to stay here for a week Yoo Ma and same does jimin" i looked at jin weirdly. "how do you know that?" jin looked up from his phone. "because the nurse is outside and she is coming in 3....2.....1" and the nurse came in. 

"oh Miss Kim there you are the doctor needs to take some tests for you and your babies so you will stay here for a  and jimin you need to stay here for a week also " we both nodded she was about to leave when she asked. "do you want your room to be in here Miss Kim?"  i opened my mouth to speak when jimin said. ":yes please" she nodded and left the room. "why did you do that?" i glared at jimin and crossed my amrs. "because you i need you right?" i sighed and nodded my head. "fine i'll let this one slide" jin laughed. "you guys are too cute" he said between laughed. my cheeks were one fire and jimin well his face was red as a tomato. "what?" he said because i was day dreaming. "huh?....oh nothing" the nnurse came int with my babies and another nurse came with a bed. 

v and jungkook ran up to the babies and picked them up. jungkook had seol ri and v had jaywong. "omg im gonna die these babies are so cute" jungkook whispered while looking at me. i smiled. "jaywong right?" v looke at me and i nodded. "yep" he smiled. "well jaywong im your uncle V" i smiled. "aww so cute Yoo Ma" jin walked up to v and suga and jhope got up and joined the group looking at the tiny babies.i turned to jimin and he smiled at me. he kissed my lips quickly so the others didn't see see us. "lucky mommy you have beautiful kids" i kissed his cheek. "thanks" he winked at me and then the door opened baek and rapmon came in the room. "hey Yoo Ma" baek came towards me. "im sorry i -" i cut him off. "don't be" i grabbed hi hand and he smiled. i let go of his hand and he walked over to the group of boys. "rapmon sat down next to me. "you know he is very sorry" i looked at him. "i know" he looked at me and smiled. 

"okie guys give the kids some space" rapmon went over to the group of boys. they backed up a little bit and rapmon took hold of seol ri. he cradled seol ri in his arms looking down at her smiling. i thought all of them would be great parents one day. jimin took my hand. i looked at him. "i have to tell you something Yoo Ma" i looked deep into his eyes. "i - i " he sighed. "will you-" he scratched his head with his free arm while jin went behind jimin and pushed his head and i felt someone push my head till-  

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