Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ding dong!

It was Saturday, which meant lunch with Arohi's parents. Now, Arohi's mother is the overly attached, typical mother to them all, hence being invited to lunch was a regular thing for them. But when the door opened, they were faced with somethimg none of them expected to see. Or rather, someone. Or rather, many someones...

"Rohi didi! Rohi Didi! EEEH!"

"Come, Arohi beta, how are you?"

"Beta, you look so pretty! But you should let your hair grow longer, then you would look better na..."

Everybody was here. Arohi's grandparents, uncles and aunts (all 5 pairs of them), her cousins (all 9 of them) and more relatives, some she didn't even recognise.

"Oh my God....Hi... everybody! Hehe...he." Arohi seemed fazed.

Ishani and Mira were too stunned to even move. 20 years of friendship and they still couldn't get used to the, ahem, enormousness, of Arohi's family.

The girls started shuffling to the kitchen, no easy feat, let me tell you. Arohi's cousins were tiny, and fast, and crammed into a small room made them restless. Finally, they reached the kitchen without any of them falling and turning one of those children to pulp, fortunately. Aunty stood there deep-frying samosas.

"Oh, girls! Finally! Go to Arohis's room and freshen up, and Arohi, change out of those hideous sweatpants!"

"It was a long drive Ma! Sweatpants are comfortable. And why do I have to change? And what is up with all the people out there? Is there something today?"

"We are expecting guests."

"Right. And the people outside are...?"

"Stop asking stupid questions, girl, and go get ready! You can't be looking like this when they come!"

"When WHO comes, Ma! Why are you being so elusive?"

Ding dong!

"Oh no. OH NO! THEY ARE HERE! And you still look like a hobo!"

Mira stifled a giggle, and Arohi shot them a look. They had been silent during the exchange, still reeling from the tsunami of people they had just escaped.

Wordlessly, Aunty pushed them out of the kitchen and started dragging Arohi to her bedroom, while Mira and Ishani followed.

"Change!" was all she said before she left.

In the living room, the door had been opened and new, unfamiliar voices could be heard.

"Namaste, Namaste! Welcome! There was no traffic, na? Achcha, good. Please, sit! Please, have some tea! Here, have a samosa, Arohi has prepared them herself, she makes delicious samosas!"

"Strange," Mira muttered, making herself comfortable on the bed, "Why would Aunty say that? Arohi doesn't even know what flour is used to make samosas..."

"It is strange... unless..."

"Unless what? What?"

At that moment, Arohi appeared from the bathroom, wearing all Indian wear and looking all...demure. Because, let's be honest, Indian girls always look demure in Indian clothes.

"I don't know why Ma picked this dress out. Its pretty, but so heavy! I feel like i we are going fancy... why are you guys not wearing new clothes?"

"You were wearing sweatpants. I and Ishani are dressed appropriately even for and impromptu guest invasion." Mira shrugged.

"I don't think thats it Mira," Ishani looked deep in thought, "Relatives... guests... your clothes... Aunty lying about your non-existent culinary skills..."


"Oh God," Ishani said, at about the same time the door slammed open and Arohi's mother and Aunt stepped in.

"Arohi, finally you are ready! Come on now, they are ready to see you!"

"Who is? Ma, what is going on!?"

"The Khannas, of course! Them, and their son! They have come to ask for your hand in marriage!"


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