Chapter 7

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I walked into my office. Walked is an exaggeration... staggered is more realistic. Why did I decide to wear 5 inch heels today, goddamit?

You know why, you naughty girl... same reason you put on make up and wore matching lingerie.
To impress Mr. Writer-assistant.

No, NO! Bad, bad mind! Stop thinking these thoughts right now!

Okay then, but is that what you really want?

Damn it brain. You know me too well (which, I guess, is kind of a given).

"Doctor? Are you okay?"

"Of course, I'm okay, why would you ask that?"

You have been staring into space for a while. You look a little conflicted about something... also, you just called me Writer-assistant."

"Um, no, I said 'write it, assistant'"

"Still weird, since you didn't say anything after that. Maybe you should lie down for a while."

Will you lie down with me?

"No!" I said, both to my frustratingly chatty brain and frustratingly concerned assistant. You just had to be good looking and nice, huh?

Don't forget smart.

Brain, you are a fucking pain in the ass today.

"I'm just gonna go in actually, you can send patients in, i feel fine, really! Ok then.. um.. bye."
I hurriedly shut the door behind me and sighed. Phew!


I watched as she quickly shut the door. I could almost see her sighing with relief, her tension was so palpable. Why is she so nervous around me?

I have seen her interacting with her patients. She is not what i would call the epitome of self confidence, but she is always composed, prim and proper. Her speech is fluid, she never stutters, and her voice flows over the recipient like honey.

She seemed so flustered right now. Her cheeks had high colour and she was actually wringing her hands, like a shy, young bride! Adorable, but slightly unnerving. Was she scared of him? Or maybe...

No. No, Ishani was nothing, if not professional. She would never be even fleetingly attracted to her assistant. She looked like she was in control mostly, and would never let her desires run wild.

She is passionate though, I'm sure of it. Her dedication to her work, to the people who come to her for help is obvious, and yet hidden, like she doesn't want others to see how she goes out of her way to help them... yes, she had fire in her, but she tamed it well, which was something he very much admired.

The question is, would he be able to tame the fire she sparks in him?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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