Chapter 6

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Hayes' P.O.V

So, Hannah said that she would finally be friends with us. I was so excited and accidentally shouted "Yeeeees!!!!" really loudly, but then I fixed it with " I mean, oh that's good!"

Everyone just stood there laughing their heads off (not literally) which is kinda what I had intended to do. I figured that if you want to make a girl like you, part of it is to make them laugh.

Kim's P.O.V

Hannah walked up to me and told me what happened with her and the... Magcon boys? Who the hell are they? Ok, so APPARENTLY there was this guy called Hayes and he made everyone laugh.

I have 2 good reasons why I hate that as soon as I heard it: 1. Usually, a guy would try to make you laugh if they liked you, and 2. What type of a name is Hayes? It sounds like someone having a crush on a guy named... Um, I don't know! Oh, a guy named BILLY!!!
(No offense to anyone named Billy btw)

Hannah suddenly has an uncomfortable look on her face and looks down."Are you ok?" I ask blankly. "I'm fine..." She says while sitting down next to me on the bench. "Are you sure...?" I say not exactly convinced.

She looks at me in the eyes and tells me about William. "And the weird thing is, that I used to like him but I don't think I like him anymore. But today, well this morning he gave me a love note..." I was shocked. "KILL ME NOW" I yelled while on my phone. Hannah decided to go on hers too.

Oops! I think I yelled that out too loud because now the same annoying group is coming towards us. "Shit" I say quietly and Hannah looks up from her phone to look at me. "You heard me...?" I say kinda surprised. She nodded and turned around because I was staring at the boys. She had an annoyed look in her face

She goes back to her phone "Shit". "Just act like they're not even there!" I say trying to forget about him. Two of them come toward us and they sit down. One if them was next to me and one if them was next to Hannah who was clearly not liking this at all! They put their arms around us and we just froze while staring at each other.

Everyone introduces themselves and wink at us. Ew!!! The one next to Hannah says "I'm Jack Johnson and this is my friend: Jack Gilinsky." He said while pointing to the other guy. I try to get away from Jack, but he won't let me! The same was happening with Hannah.

They smirk at us and I knew that something was up. Me and Hannah look at each other and I could tell that we were both wondering the same question: "Are they gonna flirt with us?". We both got really scared since we don't know these guys very well AT ALL and they realise it pretty much straight away. "What's wrong, baby girl?" Jack Glinsky said while stroking my cheek.

"You!!!!!" Me and Hannah yell at the same time and sprint back home.

Hannah's P.O.V

Ok, so I have to admit that I'm really starting to like magcon (even though they were being really creepy to me and Kim!) they're really fun to hang around with and pretty cool friends too!

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