4-"Why is she glowing"

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There music was beautiful, Olympus needs to hear this pure perfection. As they were all practising I was just watching with such admiration and a few times I saw cal looking at me and smiling.

I was pretty much mesmerised by them, but that was until I felt a spark in my hand, I had this feeling as well when Calum helped me up that first day at the cafe and when he gave me my phone back.

Then it happened again, and it was beginning to be a painful. I have to get out of here. At that point I was sitting on the floor so I got up and ran to the closest exit as the zaps got more painful. I got out the door and I was starting scream in pain.

I looked to my arms and all the veins were not that normal, they weren't like the normal non viable ones it looked to me like lighting was flowing through me.

I need Brontes right now 

even though I was in the worst pain ever I managed to flash my way to his apartment and I was on my hands and knees with tears going down my face.

"BRONTES!" I yelled for him.

"Aphrodite?" He walked around the corner and saw me and his eyes widened and he ran to me.

"I don't know what is happening to me, but it hurts so much" I cried.

"I need to get you home to Olympus"

"Please hurry Brontes" I cried once again.

Brontes held me as he was able to flash both of us to the elevator and he went straight in. I was on the floor screaming in agony and Brontes was there not knowing what to do. 

The doors opened, and Brontes picked me up and held me bridal style and he ran but I didn't know where I was so out of it because of pain.

"ZUES!" Brontes yelled as he barged straight though the door. My one could miss my screaming. Brontes went to the middle of the floor and lay me down as I continued to scream my lungs out, my father was then by my side.

"Daddy, it hurts so much" I was almost pleading for him to just kill me already.

"Just sleep" was all he said before I blacked out.

(Brontes POV)

I had just brought Aphrodite in screaming in pain and now she was out cold.

"Zues what did you do to her"

"Put her to rest"


"I had always had this ability to put her to sleep even after her most horrible dreams, I never know why though, I was just seeing if it would work and it did."

"Why is she glowing like that?" I was by her side holding her hands, trying to dab her sweating forehead with a cloth I had just gone and got.

"I don't know I have never seen anything like it before"

"What are we going to do when she wakes up she is going to be in the same amount to pain isn't she"

"I don't know"

"I don't know if it is just me or does it kind of look like lighting to you?"

"It does, it just doesn't make sense"

"What doesn't?"

"Why this is happening, I've never ever experienced this, I never had veins looking like that. And I'm the god of thunder" he was pacing the room looking super stressed.

"would you like me to take her to her room"

"Yes. please" he was rubbing his forehead while still pacing.

I picked her up and I walked to her room but not before going past Hera.

"What happened?" She was beyond worried as she walked next to me.

"We don't know she just turned up at mine place on earth screaming and glowing like this. Do you know by any chance know what this means"

"None" I lay Aphrodite down.

"Please let me know what happens with her please Hera but I do need to go back to my post back on earth"

"I will do Brontes"

"Thank you" I then walked out and went back down to earth and I was at home for about two hours not doing all that much when I just realized I should probably go to tell Aphrodite's mum.

"Aphrodite's mum!" I called, still don't know her name even after all these years.


"It is me" I said as found her in the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you Aphrodite had to go back to Olympus" she stopped what she was doing. 

"Why?" He asked sadly

"Let's just say something happened that caused her to have to go back, she needed to be back with the gods"

"Is she ok?" Hopefully

"Yeah. I think she just missed it to much" that was literally the biggest and probably worst lie I have ever told.

"Oh, ok" her mum looked quiet upset.

"I sure you will see her again soon" I tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I do too, thank's for telling me Brontes"

"Yeah it's alright, I better be going now though. Goodbye"

"bye, Brontes"

Please don't ghost read
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