A Dance With Death

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The waltz begins with a polite curtsy from me and a bow from him

He takes my hand

His hand is cold and lonely

And as it closes around mine,

I can feel his sad soul stretching around mines

As his other cold and lonely hand rests on my back

And the dance begins

From an onlooker's point of view, it's graceful

Our steps seem to fall perfectly with the other's

And our connection to the music and each other seems flawless

But both he and I know the truth

I feel him dragging me along

It's as if I have no choice in the matter

And as his cold, lifeless hand moves mine to his chest

I am not shocked to find not heartbeat there

To feel nothing but a hollow empty chest

It has been like that for a while

And he thinks that since his chest is empty

That he is entitled to empty the chests of others

To rip out their hearts and destroy them until they wish from him to grant them the mercy of finally taking them away

I am not the first to dance this dance with him

I've seen it happen before

I've seen people loose themselves in this dance

I've seen them fall like a tree during a thunderstorm

I've seen them beg for his mercy

Like a slave begs his master for freedom

And as he reaches his cold, lonely hand around my head

His hand rests on my the back of my head and pulls me closer to him

His dry, dead lips brush against my ear

And he tells me what he tells all of his partners

"You won't win this fight"

He leads me across the floor

And that's part of the problem

He's leading me around

He's controlling me

So when I take one step not in time of the music

And rip my hands from his cold and lonely ones

I feel my freedom rush into me

As he falls back into the deep, dark place he came from

He'll be back for me

But I had escaped him

He is no longer controlling me


a/n: now that it's October, I have decided that it is time for a new poetry book with eveN WORST POETRY THAN THE FIRST ONE YAYYYY

((if you haven't read my first poetry book it's called Word Vomit and it's long and annoying))

ok bye thank you for reading you're wonderful




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