The S-Word

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What a dirty word
A word that leaves a foul taste in my mouth when I say it
However, you have no problem telling me that I act like one

A word that sends shivers up my spine
And a spiral of anger through my brain
A word that my mother has been called
A word that demeans and oppressing women
And you have the lack of decency to tell your friends that I am one

You say I dress the way I do because I am one of these people
One of the people that are disregarded by society
Because they have dared to act like a man does
Taking control of her own sexuality and intimidating you
As though she has broken your frail, weak masculinity

You shame those who have taken part in this precious act
Call them incomplete, as though they are less of a human
Because they have done this act that is put above all things
But you seem to forget, the King of Kings would relax in the company of prostitutes
The most slutty ones of all

You think I'm insecure
That I need validation from men like you
So I wear 'short shorts'
And 'show off' my breasts
And that I dare put on eyeliner because all I'm trying to do is attract the male gaze

You chastise me for wearing these things
Though when I wear a long dress
Or hide my body, as you have told me
You call me a prude
You say I am not being proud of my body

You speak as though my worth is based on how many dicks have been in me
You speak as though there is a perfect amount
The number cannot be too high or too low
There has to be a happy medium somewhere
One, two three, four?

You once said,
"If you marry a slut, you should expect her to cheat on you."
I find it funny how you only include my gender in that spectrum
As though being a girl automatically means that I am an object whose worth is synonymous with her sexuality

Maybe you fit into your own definition of a 'slut'
You once fell in love with me
And told me that I was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen
However, a week later, you were telling that to some other slut

That's what you called her and me
Once you lost interest
Or at least that's your excuse
You seem to refuse to acknowledge that maybe you're not a prize
Maybe you're not this trophy
Maybe having your dick inside of me is not like winning the goddamn Noble Peace Prize!

This word stirs fire in my bones
Not just because I have and will be called it
Because my best friend has and will be called it
Because my mother has and will be called it
Because my daughter will probably have to deal with this horrible, horrible word
A word that demeans her and leaves her questioning whether or not she is good enough
And God forbid if she is ever forced into that act that you base you accusations upon
That people will still call her that dirty s-word because that's what they'll see her as;

You say that my body is a temple
And that I should neither hide it nor show it off
As though the only job this temple has is making you happy
And making you feel pleasured

So, sure, my body is a temple
But, I am the god it is devoted to


a/n: this is what I'm calling an angry poem-it's not that good, but I'm mad, so I'm writing

sorry, I just started wearing shorts and skirts and dresses a lot more because spring so the catcalling has returned. And I fucking hate it. Today a guy, a complete fucking stranger, gave me a bikini and told me that I'd look sexy in it. Fuck off, I wear bikinis because I'm adorable.

also, this is mostly about one person but we're not gonna name them but if you know me well you should know who it's about shhhhhhhh

okay bye love you have fun you're not a slut if you have regular sex and you're not a prude if you don't have sex let people have sex if they want to it's really none of your business so fuck off and stop degrading them it's none of your business byeeeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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