My Values

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So I know that the constellations that lie beneath my skin
Are enough to keep my mind in the space shuttle blasting through the galaxies of this world

So I can question the ideas those who tell me to do things
That I believe so strongly that are wrong

So I can look at one person and listen to their story
To their ups, their downs, their darkest moments, their brightest days and not judge them for the mistakes they have made

So I can look down at the wrinkles in my hands
And realized that they have formed from gripping a pencil too hard while furiously writing what I thought was a masterpiece

So that I can see this world, not as a scary place full of monsters, but a place where people make art simply because it is nice to look at
And realize that I can run through it with the wind running from the ends of my hair to the tips of toes

So I can realize that life is so much more that what I have been told
So that I know that people are more than just their parts

So I can look upon people with tattoos and piercing and hair that they were not born with
And know that they have stories and lives that go beyond what we see simply based on their looks

So I can sit in a class that fills me with rage
And calm myself down by drawing a picture of what I can become beyond that wretched class

So that people look at me, some with scorn, and think 'she has a wandering heart'
Perhaps it's a bad thing, but goddammit, it's a fun thing

So I know what is right
And I can stand up for myself and for those who cannot stand up for themselves

So I can read books full of sex, drugs, and crime
And know that it's just a book, and that is just that
So that when I see scars, I don't see an insane person
I see a person that is hurting, and maybe needs a hand to hold

So that I can bury myself into the scent of my mom as I hug her
And transfer that familiar, homey smell into  a drawing I give her for her birthday

So I can one day live around the world
And fill my life with adventures instead of staying in one place my entire life

So those with the tattered clothes and drugs in their pockets have a voice
So they have a voice along with those with designer pants and enough money to finish their education

So I can see a woman broken down by people I thought were the good guys all along
And see her story, her life, her troubles, and not just the hijab that she wears upon her head

So I can fight without speaking
So I can share my story without saying a single word because words are just words, and sometimes, they are useless

So I don't just blindly follow the religion I have been taught my life
So I can learn my religion, not inherent it

So that I don't blindly follow things I have been told by those older than me
And I can form my own opinions and shout them from roof tops

So that when I see scars, I don't see a person plagued by insanity
I see a person that is hurting, and maybe needs a hand to hold

So I can write this poem
And I can find out who I am, and who I want to be


a/n: so I watched this video by doddleoddle and sav (linked above) a while ago about their values, three words that summed them up. well, that got me thinking, and I decided to go with four words. This poem was hard to write, but it was really fun! So I encourage whoever reads this to at least comment their values, or even write a poem and tag me in it please.

also, I submitted a thing to a lit mag last night and I won't know until June if I got in so that sucks

k bye you're cool

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