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This entire story will have swears, violence, and sexual... 'activities' at a few points :X. 


Zoé's POV

Age 8 - Age 14

My life started out pretty well, but that was before my parents divorced. I lived with my mom and never got to see my Papa. Their divorce wasn't even legalized and she was already sleeping with another man. As soon as the divorce was legal, we moved into her new boyfriend's flat. There wasn't enough rooms, so I slept on the kitchen floor. They would always have parties and get drunk, and when my mom was drunk she was a real b**ch. I would always have to clean up after them. I went to a new school and knew I wasn't liked. I made a few friends, but what are friends now a days, backstabbing a**holes, populars that talk about you behind your back, or the ones that don't even talk to you. I didn't like any of them, except this one boy. He's really nice and knows if something is bothering me. I think I have a crush on him, but so many girls flirt with him. I don't know if he likes me or if he's just being really nice. I would go to school wearing a fake smile, no one would notice, except him. One day, after school, I went home and found all my stuff outside of the flat with a note.

Dear Zoé,

I broke up with him because he was cheating on me; we were kicked out of the flat and I left your stuff here. Go find your real father............ I love you... So much. Here's his number and his old address - ***-***-****, ** åß∂˙∑ˆ˚, ˙∂å∂. Stay safe.

Love, your mother;


I couldn't do anything. I just had to find my Papa, but I couldn't move. I just fell to the ground and bawled my eyes out. I was so mean to my mom and I felt so bad and I missed her. I stayed there for a while, then I heard a familiar voice. "Zoé?," I whipped around and saw him standing there. ".......Xavier..." I whimpered, he ran over and knelt down, hugging me as tight as possible while trying not to hurt me. I was still on my knees and still bawling my eyes out, but I couldn't help it. I was going to move again and leave everything behind, even Xavier...

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