Waking up (wolves).

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You sat on his back drawing circles waiting for him to wake up. "Come on babe it's ten Thirty you need to get up you have a lot to do today" he grumbles and still doesn't get up. You fold your arms being childish "Jacob please get out of bed" he just grumbles again and ignores you. You jump of his back and say "well fine I'm going for a shower" as soon as you said that he jumped out of bed and said "I'll join you".


You were cuddled up to Seth's side with his arm protectively around you, you kissed his cheek and asked "Seth can you let me go I need to goto school" he just turns his head the other way and brings you closer. You start peppering his cheek with kisses trying to get to his lips when he turns around and says "ok I'm up just don't leave yet".


You and Paul had had a fight last night and you had went to sleep in your shared room while you made him sleep on the sofa, but for some reason you couldn't find a comfortable position so you decided to go see Paul and apologise. "Paul, Paulie, Paulster, Baby" you kept saying to try and wake him up "please babe I'm so sorry I can't get comfortable can you come back to bed" after about 10 seconds he lifted his head and said "alright" you squeal and hug him telling him how much your sorry and love him.


Sam was a heavy sleeper and everyone knew it so waking him up you enjoyed as you got to use different techniques. The one you loved the most was pouring ice cold water on hi as it made you laugh so much. So here you are standing above Sam and dropping the water onto his bare back and standing back which causes him to growl but when he looks at you his anger goes away "morning" you say innocently.


Getting Embry up was easy he was a light sleeper but when he was being stubborn he was hard work. "Come on Embry you need to get up my mother will be here soon" he just grumbled some thing and rolled over. Him and your mother never got on and when she said she was visiting you were so happy where as Embry not so much. Right now you had had enough of him and knew the only way to get him up "fine then but I won't be making you pancakes" at this he shot out of bed and was dressed and waiting for his pancakes.


Quil hardly ever slept but when he did you would wake up and he would already be awake. So when you woke up at 1:00 am in the morning from Quil having a night mare you started to sooth him "Quil, hey Quil it's alright" he must of heard you as he pulled you closer to his chest.


He hated being woken up and always said it had to be for a good reason. You were feeling  a bit lonely in bed as he was asleep on his front and was facing the other way, so you started kissing his cheek, forehead then the corner of his lips until he asked "bay what do you want" "cuddle" you asked in an adorable voice that he couldn't ignore.


BRADY had you pinned under him so you couldn't get up to get ready "come on Brady get off" he just grumbled and didn't move, so you started kissing all over his face until he woke up and you smile and said "hey baby can you get the fuck off me please".

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