Chapter 22 - Friend-Zoned

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Skyler was standing in the doorway wearing a chicken costume. When he saw it was me, his face turned beet red. Okay...maybe I am overthinking a lot.

"!" I said between laughs.

"Shut up," he mumbled.

Obviously, he wasn't happy with the situation. But, come on. If your boyfriend was dressed up as a chicken, you'd probably laugh too.

"This is why you've been avoiding me?" I asked, tears now falling from laughing so hard. I was the real life laugh-cry emoji.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but..."

I stopped immediately. Slowly, I said, "Skyler...YOU GOT OUT OF THE FARM?! CONGRATULATIONS! THIS IS WHAT FREEDOM FEELS LIKE! Now, please. Come with me into the kitchen...I wanna set you up with my old pal deep fryer-"


"-and you too can hook up. It's a-"


"-win-win situation for all of-"


"-us. It'll be gre-"


Skyler crashed his lips onto mine, I suppose to shut me up, and I felt insanely and awkwardly weird for kissing a chicken. He pulled away and I asked him the actual reason why he was wearing a chicken costume. Turns out he's doing a commercial for Save The Chickens! and my comment happened to make me look like a very bad person.

"Awh, Sky. I'm sorry...I didn't know. You just look so dang good in that costume. SIZZLIN', I might say. Get it? No..okay."

Skyler chuckled at my lame joke and embraced me in a hug. "It's okay, Mer," he told me, kissing the top of my head.

"So..when exactly can I see this commercial?" I asked.

"Come on," he replied, taking my hand and leading me into his house.


After Skyler changed out of his chicken costume (I know, very unfortunate), he say down beside me on his living room couch in front of the tv. He grabbed the remote and pressed the on button. A whole video of Skyler and I from our previous dates played on the screen.

"I love you, Mariah," TV Skyler said in a white room alone. "I love you more than the moon loves the sun. And remember, the moon dies everyday just to let the love of his life breathe. I love you more than you love books. I love you more than the sea and the sand and the whole entire universe, for that matter. I love you. Okay, yes, I did get the moon and sun thing from tumblr, but I know how much you love tumblr. So there's that."

"Awh! Sky...I love you too, buddy," I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

Peck..get it? No..okay.

"Buddy? Did I just get friend-zoned?" he asked with honest disappointment. However, in his eye, there was a gleam of humor shining through.


"Okay. We should stop being really cheesy."

"I thought you were a chicken?"


"How can you be cheese when you're a chicken?"

"Mariah, for the love of God."

Author's Note:
You probably weren't expecting that. Whoops. BUT YES. I hope you enjoyed this light-hearted chapter..before it starts to get really emotional. WARNINGS. WARNINGS. The next chapter will be up soon.

Until next time.



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