Chapter 1

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I do not own these characters or Castle.

Kate Beckett hated going home to see her stepsister and stepdad, but her mom was happy. So she was happy, this Thanksgiving would be a little differrent though Meredith was bringing home a boy. That she supposedly has known for a whole year, but Kate knew that was a lie. 'Shoot shes probably only known him for a week.' Thought Kate. She still had two hours until she reached her 'home'. She decided to stop at the next gas station and get some chips and a drink. When she went in she swore she saw a glimpse of red hair that looked just like Meredith's. 'Oh shit please don't be her.' She tryed to see around the corner but their was only a guy there. When he noticed her looking she looked but not before getting a second glance. After she picked out a Pepsi and some chips she went to the cash register to pay. She looked around again just to be sure it wasn't Meredith, but now it was only her and that guy. She smiled at the guy, paid, and walked out to her car.

While she was driving she turned on the radio and her favorite song in the whole entire world came on "In My Veins". She turned it up and sang her heart out.

She got to the house an hour later, getting her bags out of the trunk she walked to the door. She prayed it wouldn't be like the last family visit.

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