Chapter 3

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"Uhh.. mabye." said Kate.

"Oh I've definitely stumbled upon a fans room don't try to deny it."

"Oh I don't think I denied or admitted anything."

He walks closer and comes to where i am and grabs one of the books out of my hands. He opens it to the front page where authors sign and there thats when I'm so busted. He starts reading what he wrote all those years ago that i have memorized.

""To Kate I've never seen eyes or a smile like yours that lights up everyones world when you look at them. Love, Richard Castle." Wow I actually remember signing this I'm supriseed I didn't remember you when i first saw you."

I turn so he doesn't see my blush and then Meredith calls him and hes gone just like that. I feel so wrong for having feelings for him when he's with Meredith and they have a baby on the way, but im sure after the baby is born she'll be gone. She probably will cheat on Rick i just hope he knows what hes in for.


I'm so so so sorry I haven't been updating a lot I've been having a lot of personal problems and i just didn't have any inspiration to write but I'm back and I'm gonna start updating regularly probably every Thursday. I'm not sure yet. thanks for reading. Sorry if its short.

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